Optimized Deep Learning with Azure Machine Learning using Pytorch Container

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Azure Container for Pytorch in Azure Machine Learning (Optimized Deep Learning) is a powerful tool that allows users to easily deploy, manage, and scale their Pytorch models in the cloud. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of setting up and using Azure Container for Pytorch in Azure Machine Learning.

Step 1: Sign up for Azure Machine Learning
Before you can start using Azure Container for Pytorch, you will need to sign up for Azure Machine Learning. You can sign up for a free account by visiting the Azure website and following the instructions provided.

Step 2: Set up your Azure Machine Learning workspace
Once you have signed up for Azure Machine Learning, you will need to set up your workspace. To do this, log in to the Azure portal and navigate to the Azure Machine Learning service. Click on the "Create a resource" button and follow the prompts to create a new workspace.

Step 3: Create a new Python environment
To use Pytorch in Azure Machine Learning, you will need to create a new Python environment that includes the necessary libraries and dependencies. You can create a new Python environment by navigating to the "Environments" tab in your Azure Machine Learning workspace and clicking on the "New" button.

Step 4: Install Pytorch
Once you have created a new Python environment, you will need to install Pytorch. You can do this by opening a new terminal window in your Python environment and running the following command:

pip install torch torchvision

Step 5: Create a new Pytorch model
Next, you will need to create a new Pytorch model that you want to deploy using Azure Container for Pytorch. You can create a new Pytorch model by writing a Python script that defines your model architecture and training process.

Step 6: Train your model
Once you have created your Pytorch model, you will need to train it using your training data. You can train your model by running the following command in your Python environment:

python train_model.py

Step 7: Create a dockerfile
To deploy your Pytorch model using Azure Container for Pytorch, you will need to create a dockerfile that specifies the configuration of your container. You can create a dockerfile by creating a new text file in your workspace and adding the following content:

FROM pytorch/pytorch

COPY . /app

CMD ["python", "deploy_model.py"]

Step 8: Build and deploy your container
Once you have created your dockerfile, you can build and deploy your container using Azure Container for Pytorch. You can do this by running the following commands in your terminal:

docker build -t mymodel .
docker run mymodel

Step 9: Monitor and scale your container
Once your Pytorch model is deployed using Azure Container for Pytorch, you can monitor its performance and scale it as needed. You can monitor your container by logging in to the Azure portal and navigating to the Azure Container Instances dashboard.

In conclusion, Azure Container for Pytorch in Azure Machine Learning is a powerful tool that allows users to easily deploy, manage, and scale their Pytorch models in the cloud. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can quickly set up and start using Azure Container for Pytorch to optimize your deep learning workflows.

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1 month ago

Nice video. I saw you add some pip installation with
run pip install librairie

I would like to use my own docker image base on microsoft image like you did, but I would like to install from a conda file.
Do you have any idea how you would do it?