Optimizing Images in SvelteKit using vite-imagetools

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Image optimization in SvelteKit with vite-imagetools

Image optimization in SvelteKit with vite-imagetools

SvelteKit is a powerful framework for building websites and web applications. One important aspect of web development is image optimization, which is crucial for ensuring fast loading times and a smooth user experience.

vite-imagetools is a plugin for Vite, the build tool used in SvelteKit, that provides easy-to-use image optimization features. With vite-imagetools, you can automatically optimize your images for the web, reducing file size without sacrificing quality.

How to use vite-imagetools in SvelteKit

First, you need to install vite-imagetools as a development dependency in your SvelteKit project:

npm install vite-imagetools --save-dev

Next, you need to add vite-imagetools to your Vite configuration in svelte.config.js:

const imagetools = require('vite-imagetools');

export default {
plugins: [

Benefits of image optimization with vite-imagetools

Image optimization with vite-imagetools offers several benefits:

  • Improved website performance: Optimized images load faster, reducing page load times and improving user experience.
  • Reduced bandwidth usage: Smaller image file sizes mean less data is transferred, saving on bandwidth costs for both users and website owners.
  • Enhanced SEO: Faster-loading pages are favored by search engines, leading to better search engine rankings.


Image optimization is a key aspect of web development, and vite-imagetools makes it easy to optimize images in your SvelteKit project. By reducing image file sizes without compromising on quality, you can improve website performance, reduce bandwidth usage, and enhance SEO.

For more information on vite-imagetools, check out the official documentation on GitHub.

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4 months ago

Hi, great explantation video.
i have one problem with my configuration… vite-imagetools works great for me.., at least in dev-mode.
as soon, as i try to bundle it with the adapter static, i get 404 errors, like the following:
Error: 404 /_app/immutable/assets/Gewässerkarte.1af63ad5.webp (linked from /gewaesser)

have you already noticed this, or do you have a solution for it, I'm despairing….

thank u

4 months ago

Awesome video. I'm using typescript and having some issues with this. Do you have any tips with regards to that?

4 months ago

Just what I was looking for, how does it work in production?

4 months ago

is there something to do about the typescript error when importing the image with a query

4 months ago

How would you go about optimizing remote images that are set in src?

4 months ago

Awesome video … thnx for sharing this. So I guess this is a compile step, right ? Is it somehow possible to use vite-imagetool also for uploaded images? Images that a user of the app would upload and should be displayed somewhere in the app.

4 months ago

Oh my god, this is amazing!