Optimizing Speed code for Kivy and KivyMD Dashboard UI

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Kivy is an open-source Python framework for developing multi-touch applications on a variety of devices. It is designed to be easy to use and highly customizable, allowing developers to create stunning user interfaces with minimal effort. KivyMD is a set of Material Design widgets for Kivy, which allows you to create beautiful and modern UIs for your applications.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a dashboard UI using Kivy and KivyMD, and optimize the code for speed. We will cover various aspects of programming efficient and fast UIs, including layout optimization, code organization, and performance tuning.

Step 1: Set up your environment

Before we start developing our dashboard UI, we need to set up our development environment. We will need to have Python installed on our machine, as well as Kivy and KivyMD libraries.

To install Kivy, you can use pip:

pip install kivy

To install KivyMD, you can use the following command:

pip install kivymd

Step 2: Create the basic structure of the app

Let’s start by creating a basic structure for our app. We will create a main.py file and an assets folder for storing our images and other assets.

# main.py

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout

class DashboardApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return BoxLayout()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Step 3: Design the dashboard UI

Now, let’s design the layout for our dashboard UI using KivyMD widgets. We will create a simple layout with a toolbar at the top and a sidebar on the left.

# main.py

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout

from kivymd.app import MDApp
from kivymd.uix.toolbar import MDToolbar
from kivymd.uix.navigationdrawer import NavigationLayout, MDNavigationDrawer, NavigationDrawerToolbar, NavigationDrawerIconButton

class DashboardApp(MDApp):
    def build(self):
        layout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')

        # Create the toolbar
        toolbar = MDToolbar(title='Dashboard')

        # Create the navigation drawer
        nav_layout = NavigationLayout()
        nav_drawer = MDNavigationDrawer()
        nav_drawer.add_widget(NavigationDrawerIconButton(icon='home', text='Home'))

        return layout

if __name__ == '__main__':

Step 4: Optimize the code for speed

Now that we have created the basic structure of our dashboard UI, let’s optimize the code for speed. Here are some tips for optimizing your Kivy and KivyMD code:

  1. Use efficient layout managers: Kivy comes with a variety of layout managers that help you position widgets in your UI efficiently. Use GridLayout, BoxLayout, and FloatLayout for optimal performance.

  2. Minimize the use of animations: Animations can slow down your app, especially if they are complex or involve many widgets. Use animations sparingly and optimize them for speed.

  3. Use asynchronous loading: If your app needs to load a large amount of data or assets, consider using asynchronous loading to prevent the UI from freezing.

  4. Profile and optimize your code: Use profiling tools to identify bottlenecks in your code and optimize them for speed. Consider using Cython to compile performance-critical parts of your code to C for faster execution.

  5. Reduce redundant code: Remove duplicate or unnecessary code to improve the speed and maintainability of your app. Refactor your code to make it more efficient and concise.

By following these tips and best practices, you can create fast and efficient dashboard UIs using Kivy and KivyMD. Experiment with different techniques and optimizations to find the best approach for your specific project.

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1 hour ago

Жду арлектно 150 уруток есть

1 hour ago

Thanks you!

1 hour ago

2023 is blank

1 hour ago

I have so many abuses for you while watching this i can't tell , for what are you making video if someone can't take help from it .

1 hour ago

what version of kivymd was used in this project

1 hour ago

Amazing video my friend. I want o use <Element@Card> method but i want to put widget in it like labels and I want to change texts of those label when i call them at kivy. Like:
but i cant modify sub widgets. Can you help me?

1 hour ago

Why my ElementCard dont show any content ?

1 hour ago

Hello Sam, thank for your video. It was very helpful! I have a question if you don't mind, how can I open that intellisense in .kv extension file?

1 hour ago

Hello my Card displays evrything in the bottom half do you know how to fix it?

1 hour ago

Excellent, thanks

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

Excelente video, gracias totales!!!

1 hour ago

How to install kivy extension in pycharm. ,Like you coding .KV file, with Sugestions and syntax. I search everywhere in google found nothing. Please let me know

1 hour ago

Your apk is grt …can u help me little bit with my project

1 hour ago

how do get the preview screen ?

1 hour ago

Great bro, we want more videos on kivymd cool ui development 😊

1 hour ago

Wow sam you're very amazing person

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

Hello how to install the kivy and kivymd in pycharm and run successful without error?

1 hour ago

Hi, Sam. I want to know how to make the gif. Thank you so much~~~~~~your project is so amazing!!!!!

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