
Optimizing your coding productivity in 2023 with VSCode setup

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VSCode Setup for a Productive Coder in 2023

VSCode Setup for a Productive Coder in 2023

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular and powerful code editor used by many developers. With the right setup, it can provide a productive environment for coding in 2023. Here are some tips and tricks for setting up VSCode for maximum productivity:


One of the great things about VSCode is its extensive library of extensions that can enhance its capabilities. Some essential extensions for productive coding include:

  • Bracket Pair Colorizer: This extension helps to easily identify matching brackets and improve code readability.
  • ESLint: For JavaScript developers, ESLint ensures consistent code quality and style.
  • Prettier: This extension helps to format code automatically and maintain a consistent coding style.
  • GitLens: For version control, GitLens provides powerful features for exploring, navigating, and understanding Git repositories.

Themes and Color Schemes

Customizing the appearance of VSCode can make coding more enjoyable and easier on the eyes. Installing a theme and color scheme that suits your preferences can help reduce eye strain and improve focus. Some popular themes include:

  • Atom One Dark Theme: A sleek and dark theme that is easy on the eyes and provides good contrast for code.
  • Dracula Official: A dark theme with vibrant colors that make code stand out.
  • Material Theme: A popular theme with a clean and modern design that is highly customizable.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Learning and using keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up coding and improve workflow efficiency. VSCode provides a wide range of default shortcuts, and users can also customize shortcuts to fit their specific needs. Some essential keyboard shortcuts for productive coding include:

  • Ctrl + / (or Cmd + / on Mac): Toggle line comments.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L (or Cmd + Shift + L on Mac): Select all occurrences of a word for quick editing.
  • Ctrl + Shift + P (or Cmd + Shift + P on Mac): Open the command palette for quick access to various commands and features.

Integrated Terminal

VSCode comes with a built-in terminal that allows developers to run commands and scripts without leaving the editor. Utilizing the integrated terminal can streamline development tasks and save time by eliminating the need to switch between different applications. In addition, VSCode supports multiple integrated terminals, which can be helpful for running different commands simultaneously.


By utilizing the right extensions, themes, keyboard shortcuts, and integrated terminal, developers can set up a productive coding environment in VSCode for 2023. These tools and features can enhance efficiency, improve code quality, and ultimately make the coding experience more enjoyable. With the right setup, VSCode can be a powerful ally for developers in the coming years.

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shashwat gupta
7 months ago

Hitesh, what is the name of the theme that you use ? you did not mention the theme that you use..

Jamie B
7 months ago

Pieces broke VS Code.

Jamie B
7 months ago

Pieces absolutely F'd my vscode, I can no longer Copy and Paste (ctrl+c, ctrl+v) in windows. I get this error, and even after uninstalling I still get this error "command 'pieces-vscode.paste' not found"

Micro Tech
7 months ago

So you end up installing bunch of plugins,againat what you said in the beginning of the video

7 months ago

Best code Is code not written lol

Sangram Roy
7 months ago

Loved your background Sir!

abhijeet raut
7 months ago

Video/Content is good, background is little bit distractive

Souchik Joardar
7 months ago

Monolisa font is available for free along with all the styles

less sass
7 months ago

How to change style and color of the cursor #VS Code

Jecky Rai
7 months ago


yash rajan shukla
7 months ago

This is what I needed ❤

Abhay Singh
7 months ago

re-write everything in rust 😂😂😂

(I am serious about it, btw I'm learning golang from hitesh sir)

mohit kumar
7 months ago

Vim/Neovim Gang here!!!

Ankan Bhattacharya
7 months ago

Sir which two variants of comic code are you using? Also please mention a few nice fonts that you would suggest apart from these two

Shekher Mudgal
7 months ago

I definitely purchase fonts and personalize my editor fonts first thing when setting up. Personal favorite – Fira Code Retina

Akhlaque Ahmad
7 months ago

Was thinking for asking for this long but get without asking ❤❤thanks

Priyanshu Patra
7 months ago

Please make a video on Flutter Bloc state management with api handling using bloc, yt lacks this resource

Bhoomit Ganatra
7 months ago

Hello sir,
Instead of always installing and uninstalling extensions we can create profiles in vscode
so we can switch profiles and we have extensions installed there, so every profile can have extension for that profile only
so if I am working in react and node I will have js extensions only
if in python I have python extension only.
It is too much good!.

Madhu IIT_Bombay
7 months ago

Useful video. Please do these kind of videos.

Md Kawsar islam Yeasin
7 months ago

Fun Fact: you don't need snippets creator, You can create snippets from the command palette