Organizing Files and Folders in Angular | Guide to Angular Application Structure | Angular 15 Tutorial

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The Basic Structure of Angular Application

When you start working with Angular, it’s important to understand the file and folder structure of an Angular application. Having a clear understanding of this structure will help you to organize your code and make it easier to maintain and work with. In this tutorial, we will take a look at the basic structure of an Angular application and how to navigate through its files and folders.

File and Folder Structure

When you create a new Angular application using the Angular CLI, it generates a basic folder structure for you. Here’s a brief overview of the main folders and files in an Angular application:

  • src: This is the main folder where all of your code resides. It contains subfolders for your application’s components, services, and other features.
  • app: This folder contains the code for your application. It includes subfolders for components, services, and other features of your application.
  • index.html: This is the entry point for your application. It contains the main HTML code and serves as the starting point for your Angular app.
  • main.ts: This file is the main entry point for your application. It bootstraps the Angular application and sets up the environment for your app to run.

Basic Structure of an Angular Application

Now, let’s take a closer look at the basic structure of an Angular application:


Angular App


In the index.html file, we have the basic HTML structure with the app-root element. This is the placeholder for the root component of our Angular application.

// main.ts

import { enableProdMode } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic’;
import { AppModule } from ‘./app/app.module’;

.catch(err => console.error(err));

In the main.ts file, we have the entry point for our Angular application. It imports the AppModule and bootstraps the application using the platformBrowserDynamic() function.

Understanding the file and folder structure of an Angular application is essential for building and maintaining your app. It provides a clear organization for your code and helps you to navigate through your application with ease.

With the basic understanding of the structure of an Angular application, you can now start building your own Angular apps and explore the various features and functionalities that Angular has to offer.

Stay tuned for more tutorials on Angular and happy coding!

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6 months ago

🤤 'promo sm'