Other Hosting Options for Next.js Besides Vercel

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Beyond Vercel: Hosting Alternatives for Next.js

Beyond Vercel: Hosting Alternatives for Next.js

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications, offering server rendering, static site generation, and other features that make it a powerful choice for web development. While Vercel is the default platform for hosting Next.js applications, there are several alternative hosting options that developers can consider.

1. AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a cloud hosting platform that offers seamless integration with Next.js applications. With support for serverless functions, static site hosting, and easy deployment through the Amplify CLI, AWS Amplify provides a robust hosting solution for Next.js apps.

2. Netlify

Netlify is another popular hosting platform that is well-suited for Next.js applications. With features like continuous deployment, serverless functions, and global CDN support, Netlify makes it easy to deploy and manage Next.js projects.

3. Heroku

Heroku is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, including Next.js. With its flexible deployment options and extensive add-on marketplace, Heroku is a great choice for hosting Next.js applications.

4. DigitalOcean

DigitalOcean offers simple and scalable cloud hosting solutions that can be used to deploy and manage Next.js applications. With features like managed Kubernetes, cloud databases, and reliable SSD-based infrastructure, DigitalOcean provides a solid hosting option for Next.js projects.

5. Firebase Hosting

Firebase Hosting is a fast and secure solution for hosting web applications, including Next.js projects. With features like content delivery network (CDN) caching, SSL support, and easy deployment through the Firebase CLI, Firebase Hosting is a convenient option for hosting Next.js apps.

While Vercel is a popular choice for hosting Next.js applications, developers have several alternative hosting options to consider. Whether you prefer the flexibility of AWS Amplify, the simplicity of Netlify, or the scalability of DigitalOcean, there are hosting solutions that can meet the specific needs of your Next.js project.

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7 months ago

Thanks for the quick and awesome content, there are valid use cases for self hosting NextJs apps. We are self hosting NextJs app in Azure app services so that we can setup build pipeline, repos inside our Azure account. We just only wants React SSR feature from NextJs and we never use NextJs for our API needs so we don't care about the edge hosting and serverless functions. Also we are using Akamai for CDN so don't want any CDN feature from Vercel. We are using Bynder for DAT(Digital Asset Transformation) image optimization's so we don't want that feature from Vercel either. The only thing we want from NextJs is server side render a React application that's it. I am not seeing any reliable solution which will only do React SSR consistently, please share if you know any solution does the SSR properly for React, Thanks.