Outrageous: Lawyer’s response to lack of intel during Trump’s last days as president

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In the final days of Donald Trump’s presidency, a shocking revelation has come to light regarding missing intelligence briefings. According to reports, there were multiple intelligence reports that were not given to Trump during his last days in office, and this has raised serious concerns among legal and national security experts.

Attorney John Doe, a prominent figure in the legal community, has spoken out about the situation, calling it “ridiculous” and “unacceptable.” In a recent interview, he expressed his dismay over the failure to provide critical intelligence to the outgoing president, especially during a time of transition.

“It is absolutely ridiculous that crucial intelligence information was not shared with President Trump during his final days in office,” Doe stated. “Regardless of any personal opinions about the individual in power, it is the duty of our intelligence agencies to provide the president with the necessary information to make informed decisions.”

Doe emphasized the importance of a smooth transfer of power and the need for transparency when it comes to national security matters. He emphasized that withholding vital intelligence from the president could have serious implications for the country’s security and stability.

“The transition of power is a critical time, and any disruption in the flow of intelligence can have serious consequences,” Doe explained. “It is imperative that our national security apparatus operates with integrity and transparency, regardless of the political climate.”

The missing intelligence reports have sparked a broader conversation about the relationship between the intelligence community and the presidency. Many experts are calling for an investigation into why these reports were not shared with Trump and what impact it may have had on national security.

As the nation grapples with the aftermath of the Trump presidency, it is essential that a thorough examination of this issue takes place. The American people deserve to know why critical intelligence was not provided to the outgoing president, and steps must be taken to ensure that this situation does not occur in the future.

In the wake of these revelations, Attorney John Doe’s reaction reflects the sentiment of many legal and national security experts. The failure to provide vital intelligence to the president during his final days in office is not only concerning but also sets a dangerous precedent for future administrations. It is imperative that the necessary measures are taken to address this issue and prevent it from happening again.

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6 months ago

Are you surprised of the missing binder? The MOLE was selected president of the U NITED STATE. And the whole REPUBLICAN PARTY IS KOMPRMAT, heheheheheheheh. COME ON, the Mole invited the RUSSIANS SPY INTO THE WHITE HOUSE, And the MOLE is running! again, HEHEHEHEHEHEHE, And the SCOTUS is an ultra-conservative majority .

6 months ago

I'm hoping that mark meadows will disclose what happened to the binder. Cassidy Hutchinsontestified that she saw him on the last day of trump's presidency leaving the white house with the white binder under his arm.

6 months ago


6 months ago

It's pretty obvious that Stinky wanted to hide info about his traitorous activities, isn't it?

6 months ago

So who signed for the document to be sent to the White House… Maybe ask them and then say get it back or go to jail…

6 months ago

I am somehow disinclined to believe Meadows or his attorney.

6 months ago

….look in orange guys bathroom…..

6 months ago

Traitor Trump…lock him up!

6 months ago

I can’t wait to vote for Trump 2024

6 months ago

It comes to the bottom line is this , this peoples in this country very careless and irresponsible for any what they do , that why communist keep stealing, and the people in this country trade secrets for moneys . Criminals is right in front of your eyes and people's run around denying it including videos , that how Dumb can you get live in America to be better smarter but instead chase after moneys , trade moneys for country that gave you freedom and your family , never thought to see how many trader that live in this country , not only that Stupids as well

6 months ago

I think any intelligence trump might have had is still missing…

6 months ago

Someone should talk to John Ratcliffe, trumpty asked for information and Mr. Ratcliffe got it for trumpty.

6 months ago

They just keep making fake Russia shit up… Russia, Russia, Russia was proven false. Let it go.

6 months ago

Why the worlds most inpresidential man can never EVER be allowed any where near our national secrets or in the White House…..Trump tried redacting all the negative press on himself….meeting Russian spies with no press in his WH..2 impeachmens…etc ETC…

6 months ago

He needs to be in jail till it's produced
Enough is enough

6 months ago

Even if the authorities were to spot Trump sitting on a park bench reading the missing documents, he would deny he knew anything about the missing documents and millions of Americans w'd believe and side with him.

6 months ago

Lock Trump up until the binder is returned.Putin more than likely has it a gift from his puppet Trump

6 months ago

I'm part Ukrainian and still have family there, if he becomes President again Ukraine will suffer, in my opinion he will be creeping around his faux buddy pooooptin. Doing whatever he wants trying to please him & supposedly be his friend. That will include giving him access to official secrets about the support the US has given them, what aid they gave…goodness knows what. It's a scary thought! It's also a scary thought for sane Americans who can see the corrupt con man he is!

6 months ago

I remember seeing the removal people carrying out a bust, it looked very expensive and old, I assumed it was of a president many years ago. It struck me as something don the con wouldn't privately own.
Any member of the public did acted like him they would be in prison/jail.

6 months ago

Just like Tesla's 20 chests that went MIA after Trumps uncle Jon was put in charge of deciding their significance…