Palestine’s Ambassador to the UK on Israel-Hamas Conflict

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The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has once again escalated into a full-scale war, with both sides exchanging deadly airstrikes and rocket attacks. The death toll continues to rise, and the international community is urging for an immediate ceasefire to prevent further loss of life and destruction.

As the world watches in horror, many are calling for an end to the violence and a return to peace talks. Among those advocating for a peaceful resolution is Palestine’s Ambassador to the UK, Dr. Husam Zomlot. In a recent interview, Dr. Zomlot expressed his deep concern for the escalating situation and called for international intervention to bring about a ceasefire.

Dr. Zomlot emphasized the need for the international community to take swift and decisive action to halt the bloodshed and pave the way for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. He stressed that the Palestinian people are suffering unimaginable hardship and are in urgent need of protection and support.

The ambassador also highlighted the underlying issues that have fueled the conflict, including the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, and the blockade of the Gaza Strip. These issues, he argued, must be addressed in order to achieve a lasting peace in the region.

Dr. Zomlot further called for the international community to hold both sides accountable for their actions and to ensure that human rights and international law are upheld. He condemned the targeting of civilians by both Israel and Hamas and stressed the need for a humanitarian truce to allow for the delivery of much-needed aid to the Palestinian people.

In addition to his calls for a ceasefire, Dr. Zomlot reiterated the Palestinian leadership’s commitment to a two-state solution, with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. He emphasized the importance of negotiations and dialogue as the only viable path to a just and lasting peace.

As the violence continues to spiral out of control, it is imperative that world leaders heed the pleas of Dr. Zomlot and other advocates for peace. The international community must act swiftly to bring an end to the bloodshed and to work towards a negotiated settlement that addresses the root causes of the conflict.

It is time for the world to come together in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to support their legitimate aspirations for freedom, justice, and self-determination. The time for action is now, and it is crucial that the international community takes a stand for peace in the Middle East.

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6 months ago

I they know all these but only money is keeping them blind.

6 months ago

Condem Hammas and you'll get all the support. Until then you get none. It's that simple.

6 months ago

couldn't watch this interview, just the promo made we sick with the self-righteousness of Husam Zomlot!
but he was correct in his statement that the world has gone mad and got this twisted all together.
Hamas succussed in distorting any moral compass to almost every normal human being in the world, painting Israel as a colonial oppressing power.

i do hope Israel will be able to finish off Hamas operational power in Gaza, but the real problem is the world legitimizing terror as freedom fighting!
beware of the honey the enemy is pouring in your ear; he is holding a Knife in his other hand!

6 months ago

What a difference with this interviewer when he interviews a Palestinian representative, as opposed to his constant, biased attack on an Israeli equivalent, Is he Palestinian…would appear so. He says he never gives his personal opinion…except he makes it very apparent in his reverential interview here.

6 months ago


6 months ago

The hypocrisy from this hamas supporter is through the roof 🤦‍♂️

6 months ago

Well said Mr ambassador everything you said is true Israel is the aggressor and occupier committing atrocities against the Palestinians everyday .

6 months ago

Thank you for this

6 months ago

I dont no when you are a ambassadeur you can go to your People ,its your oblication. So stop blam . Do go

6 months ago

When is mainstream media going to realise that the world is now aware that Israel is not the victim, they as well as the mainstream media have been portraying themselves to be? They've been the aggressor & the occupier since the Palestinians was forced to accepted them in their land.

It's high time sms change their gaslighting narrative. We are yet o hear them interview a zionist/Israel government representative the same question if they condemn the killing of Palestinians civilians. Their hypocrisy is nauseating & frustrating at best as they still behave as if they're still the main source of information, when the truth is told they're nothing but propaganda machines. Then they wonder why no one believes anything they report now.

6 months ago

Powerful words, this man is driven by compassion. The media ignoring the abuses of this oppressive regime is absurd, racist and maddening.

6 months ago

Amazing interview, powerful and shocking.

6 months ago

When someone is speaking from their heart , it captures you, you sense something different no matter what colour politics you practice. Something genuine, fascinating.

6 months ago

Wow great interview this is one powerful Palestinian, what a guy ,he kind of outguns the interviewer but stays polite. He could lead Palestine, although he’s very valuable in this role, his knowledge,passion, sturdiness and wisdom ,articulate,leadership qualities galore. He sure stands out, going to listen to this again

6 months ago

Talk about biased media , very bad journalism .

6 months ago

October 7 is a reaction of the oppression of the people in Palestine what Israel is doing for 75 years

6 months ago

The world is watching justice will prevail

6 months ago

The Gaza Strip has been occupied by Hamas not Israel. Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005. Hamas is responsible for the war, the deaths and the destruction. Period!

6 months ago

It is not a question of occupier, israel rightfully and lawfully have their ancestral nation, Palestine has never existed as a nation. It is a matter of who committed an act of brutal terrorism, that is why there is blockade and why there is war because you choose violence.

6 months ago

This guy should speak to Piers Morgan