Palestine’s UN ambassador urges prevention of further massacres.

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The Palestine Ambassador to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, has issued a fervent plea to the international community, urging them to take action to prevent a potential resumption of a massacre in the region.

Mansour’s impassioned call for action comes in the wake of escalating tensions and violence in the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly in the Gaza Strip. The recent rounds of hostilities between Israel and Hamas have resulted in numerous fatalities and casualties, including innocent civilians, women, and children.

In a press statement, Mansour emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, “We cannot afford to allow a massacre to resume in Gaza. The international community must act now to prevent further bloodshed and bring about a lasting peace in the region.”

The Ambassador’s words highlight the critical need for immediate intervention and a sustained effort to address the root causes of the conflict, including the ongoing blockade of Gaza, the displacement of Palestinian families, and the systematic violation of human rights.

Mansour further underscored the disproportionate use of force by Israeli security forces and the targeting of civilian infrastructure, such as residential buildings, schools, and medical facilities. He stressed that such actions are flagrant violations of international law and must be condemned unequivocally.

The Palestine Ambassador’s call for action is a timely reminder of the international community’s responsibility to uphold the principles of human rights, justice, and equality. It serves as a rallying cry for solidarity and support for the Palestinian people in their struggle for self-determination and freedom from occupation.

As the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories continues to deteriorate, it is imperative that world leaders and diplomatic envoys heed Mansour’s plea and take concrete steps to ensure the protection of civilians and the restoration of peace and stability in the region.

Mansour’s powerful message resonates with the collective conscience of humanity, compelling us to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and work towards a just and sustainable resolution to the long-standing conflict.

The Palestinian Ambassador’s call to prevent a potential massacre in Gaza is a stark reminder of the urgent need for decisive international action to address the root causes of the conflict and bring about a just and lasting peace. It is a call that must not go unheeded, for the sake of the innocent lives at stake and the fundamental principles of justice and humanity.

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6 months ago

Con tutto il cuore, sempre accanto ai Palestinesi e alla loro lotta ❤😢❤🇵🇸 la Palestina deve vivere ed essere libera… È il suo diritto… Uccidere è reato… Nessuno ha il diritto di togliere la vita alle persone. È terribile e vergognoso ciò che Israele sta facendo da oltre 60 anni.

6 months ago


6 months ago

You should have thought about that before you set about the Israelis — what bit of Ben Gurions ‘ Never again’ speech from the late 1940 did you fail to understand?? Baiting the Israeli people is akin to putting your hand into a hornet’s nest . Best advice; DON’T do it !!😢

6 months ago

Why are you deleting so many comments?

6 months ago

Oh Dear never mind
Dont start and then cry

6 months ago

crazy how all these "educated" people need to be convinced about this. Monsters.

6 months ago

Zionist Genocide The Apartheid regime is on the corner now, like a pariah, most sane and have human rights principles countries already left or kicked out of the zionist embassy so the rep in the UN is on the last rope only Harsh and Rude words coming out of his bloody mouth😮

6 months ago

Netanyahu is a war criminal and ICC must issue warrant against Netanyahu as soon as possible

6 months ago

Our canadian govt doest give a rats arse for freedom or this hollocaust. Im not proud to be a canadian as long as turdope and the goons are in parliament.
May they fall far off their pedestal

6 months ago

Wars END when the LOSING side SURRENDERS! Study HISTORY…

6 months ago

Israel has 28 violations, and yet not much has been done to make Israel accountable

6 months ago

Border of "Israel " needs to be returned to what it was in 1948 ! At the VERY least. Every inch of Palestine that "Isreal" has stolen, with the backing of the West, UN, EU etc, needs to be returned. The original agreements have NEVER been inforced ! Aside from that, the current genocide against the Palastinians by "Israel" is a violation of every human value and can NOT be tolerated ! !

6 months ago

We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.
'♥️♥️🇵🇸🇵🇸'" Nelson Mandela""♥🇵🇸🇵🇸
In fact, if the land of Palestine is not independent, then no country is still an independent democracy,,
Severing ties with illegally occupied Israel,, Jews and Westerners are good at acting and lying. Palestinian people are trying to protect their country and people from the oppressors.
Illegally occupying Israel will try to falsely slander the brave freedom fighters of Palestine.
The lies of the Jews will be destroyed no matter how strong they are and the truth of the innocent people of Palestine will prevail. Palestine will be victorious inshallah,Be patient
Arab states love the West as their friends,no matter how much the Muslims love the West they will never love the Muslims.,
Don't trust the land grabbers who murder and conspire to brutally oppress the Palestinian people..
The Arabs should cut off Western oil supplies to Europe and America and not follow them and Muslim countries,
If all the Muslim leaders and rulers of the state had followed the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Hadith, the Sunnah of the Companions.
Europe of the West would have stopped the lying and conspiratorial tricks of the American Jews.,, If the Muslim nation is united Could do a lot,,
Jews do not allow Muslims to unite because of Jewish fatwas,,
The machinations of the non-Muslim Jews have created various divisions between the Muslim nation,,
We Muslims believe in one Allah, believe in the Prophet, believe in the Companions, believe in and love…
Companions of our Prophet did not disagree with any Shia or Sunni, they all believed in one God, the companions followed the Prophet.
So they conquered Islam and ruled the whole world. The whole world was happy and peaceful,,
Let us all leave the slavery of the West and stop following them. We all read the Holy Qur'an of Allah and the Hadith of the Prophet, the Sunnah, the biographies of the Companions, follow them and follow their teachings,,one Muslim's suffering another Muslim helps them. According to the Quran, all Muslims should be united.,
According to the teachings of the Holy Qur'an, the Prophet's Hadith,Sunnah and the biography of the Companions, if all activities including law, politics, business, education,temporal power, were a movement for the unity of Muslims….
All small and big works were done in accordance with the Holy Quran and Prophet's Hadith, Sunnah and Companions.
Then today, no one would have dared to hurt the Muslim nation, would not have been able to occupy the land.
If we had not followed the teachings of the non-Muslim Jews, we would have studied the world by learning from the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Hadith, Sunnah, and the biography of the Companions.
Then Islam would have won and the whole world would have been ruled by Muslims,,
Ya Allah grant all Muslims to unite and all Muslims to help other Muslims.
Muslims because of Jewish conspiracies and various fatwas
And not to be enemies of each other and not to be separated and weak.
May Allah grant tawfiq to all Muslims to follow the Prophet, Sunnah, Hadith and Companions and unite. Grant us the opportunity to learn the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Hadith, Sunnah and the biography of the Companions so that all the Muslim nations can walk together.,
The Jews always conspire so that no Muslim can unite. How Muslims can be separated.,
Jews always conspire so that no Muslim can unite.
The Jews took advantage of that opportunity to oppress the Muslims, including occupying the land.
Being a beggar and occupying the owner's house and land and oppressing the owner,
When Hitler was massacring the Jews, no one gave them a safe haven.
At that time, the simple Palestinian Muslims gave their Jewish brothers a safe place to live. Those Jews occupied the lands of the Muslims by strategy and illegally occupied them.,. But today the Jews are oppressing the Muslims..
Day after day oppression is inflicting psychological torture on Palestinian people,,
What should the Palestinian people do when Israel, the illegal occupier, has been killing and oppressing the innocent Palestinian people for 75 years?
A day when no country gave safe haven to Jews On that day the simple and honest
Palestinian Muslim nation gave the Jews a safe place to live.
And today, the Jews consider the Muslims to be simple and play a conspiratorial plan to occupy the land of the Muslims. the Jews are killing the Muslim brothers sisters children old people by killing them by bombing cutting off water electricity and food,,
Go back to where the Jewish brothers came from.
Why are you occupying other's native land?
There are many places in Europe America Canada. Go there.
Whenever people do something to get back the freedom of democracy, they are slandered by false conspiracies. No one says anything to those who occupy other people's land.
What kind of judgment is that?
Europe, America, organization of westerners only killing Muslims, oppressing them severely and occupying the land of Muslims and looting.
What is the purpose of the United Nations Human Rights Organization? How can the land of others be occupied? How can Muslims be killed under house arrest? How can people's rights, democracy and freedom be taken away from the Palestinian people?
Everyone just talks and gives false assurances nothing works.
Cannot liberate Palestinian land occupation Cannot stop oppressing Palestinian people.
Palestine people can not return the freedom of democracy?
Everything is organized by America and Europe.
Do something great leaders work to try to keep the world from chaos anarchy to peace.
Return land rights, democracy and freedom to everyone.
What else can be expected from the people of Europe and America who have plundered other people's land and oppressed people?
Great leaders of the world must work to return the freedom democracy land of Palestine to the people of Palestine
And strict measures must be taken to prosecute the oppression and murder of the Palestinian people by house arrest.
America and Europe talk about democracy,, where is the freedom and democracy of Palestine?
Where is the human rights of the United Nations today, everyone in the world knows that the Jewish Israel is taking away the land, freedom and democracy of the Palestinian people by acting in a conspiracy.,
Day after day oppression is inflicting psychological torture on Palestinian people
What should the Palestinian people do when Israel, the illegal occupier, has been killing and oppressing the innocent Palestinian people for 75 years?
Of course the brave Palestinian freedom fighters must fight to stop the criminals' attacks.
All Europe America Westerners are in tune with the lying conspirators. Simple and innocent
No one comes for people
Jewish brothers, why are you coming from other countries and illegally occupying other people's land and persecuting people with false conspiracies?
Why are you creating chaos and anarchy all over the world, you sinful Jews?
Give the Palestinian people back their land give them democracy and freedom,.
May Allah protect the Palestinian Muslims and give them strength to endure this great danger.,
Protect the Palestinian freedom fighters from the conspiracies of the enemy. May Allah protect the Palestinian freedom fighters.
Ya Allah, judge those who are killing Muslim people under house arrest.
May Allah guide us all, Ameen.
Give guidance and help to the Muslims,.

6 months ago

His story is so deeply distressing. He is processing and realizes that he still like in a dream state (shock) because its truly unreal the horror. It's absolutely harrowing. Anyone who has lost a home, a family member to violence or war understands this absolute dark place. Its unspeakable. Yet this young man has the strength to share with us the most painful moment of his life. That will never go away. Only God can carry him. I will pray for him and please pray for this beautiful soul. God bless. Our hearts are broken 💔 for you.

6 months ago

Get rid of Mahmoud Abbas

6 months ago

In other words theUN should hold Israel responsible but should not apply to Gaza. I refuse to use the word Palestine because Palestine has never existed.

6 months ago

Palestine ambassador. A.k.a. West Bank ambassador. A.k.a. Narnia ambassador.

6 months ago

Not "SHOULD", but "MUST"

6 months ago


6 months ago

Strong worded statement about decades old massacre of innocent Palestinians.