Palestinian Foreign Minister Accuses Israel of Using Starvation as a Weapon of War

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Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki has accused Israel of deliberately using starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza. In a recent interview, al-Maliki stated that Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip has led to severe shortages of food, medicine, and essential supplies, resulting in a humanitarian crisis for the Palestinian people.

The blockade, which has been in place since 2007, has severely restricted the movement of goods and people in and out of Gaza, leading to high levels of poverty and unemployment. Al-Maliki emphasized that the blockade has had a devastating impact on the lives of Palestinians, with many struggling to access basic necessities such as clean water and adequate healthcare.

Al-Maliki’s comments come in the midst of intense fighting between Israel and Hamas, the militant group that governs Gaza. The latest conflict has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians and dozens of Israelis, with widespread destruction and displacement.

The foreign minister’s remarks shed light on the long-standing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which has been exacerbated by Israeli policies and practices. Al-Maliki’s accusations echo the sentiments of many human rights organizations, who have long criticized the Israeli government for its treatment of the Palestinian population.

In response to the allegations, Israeli officials have defended the blockade as a necessary security measure to prevent the smuggling of weapons into Gaza. However, critics argue that the blockade has disproportionately harmed innocent civilians and constitutes a form of collective punishment.

The international community has been called upon to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and hold Israel accountable for its actions. Al-Maliki’s statements serve as a reminder of the urgent need for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has caused immense suffering for both sides.

As the fighting continues to escalate, it is crucial for world leaders to prioritize the well-being of the civilian population and work towards a peaceful resolution. The plight of the Palestinian people cannot be ignored, and their rights to food, healthcare, and freedom of movement must be upheld.

Al-Maliki’s words are a powerful reminder of the harrowing reality faced by Palestinians in Gaza, and they underscore the need for urgent action to alleviate their suffering. It is time for the international community to stand up against the use of starvation as a weapon of war and work towards a just and lasting peace for the people of Palestine.

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8 months ago

The most despicable government after Nazi. Heartbreaking.

8 months ago

until everyone is free in the world, no one is free. think about it, it will enlighten you. if you have this idea in your mind and heart. you will always be free and be on the side of truth & justice.

8 months ago

May Allah help the Palestinians

8 months ago

Israil is criminal, and this is fact!

8 months ago

If the US government can support Israel, surely they would support the same inhumanity here in the US.

8 months ago


8 months ago

Israel over and over a denied and denied for what they do in palestine,

8 months ago

– ја знам све њихове методе рада и овако и онако
– а могао си и ти знати да си гледао на примјер б. натханијел прије али има и других
//они све говорили што они раде и на којим су позцијама
//на које начине то раде и кад кад и што намјеравају
– али тада није било цензуре
јер се интеренет сматрао за глупост коју нико неће да гледа а медија МСМ била све или тв и радио
– но се окренуло сад
сад сва МСМ медија факе невс а интернет даје информацију неку
– и онда се амерички њемци и они окренулу ка цензури јер могао би свако знати истину

8 months ago

Israel government is acting like Nazi Germany…

8 months ago

We as humans are all angry with Isarel. They are god unforgiven monsters!!!!!!

8 months ago

Our system is failing, and failing miserably. Spot on

8 months ago

Israel is the new word for evil ideology.

8 months ago


8 months ago

Israel should lose control of rafa crossing.

8 months ago

This is notably not unprecedented historically. It describes the Holodomor in Ukraine. The question is, is this the result of a cognitive dissonance, or is this a cognitive consonance? I personally am equipped to face the truth either way.

8 months ago

They would have food , water 💧 and a decent society but Hamas Palestine 🇵🇸 Gov uses its funds 💰 for War and terrorism building underground Labyrinth for Terror not its own people so spare us the virtue signaling and hold Palestine 🇵🇸 accountable for actions of its own Governments corruption and politics are Better yet hold Iran 🇮🇷 accountable for their actions against Palestine 🇵🇸 they’re pawn ♟️ to be moved on the Chess Board of War 4 Iran 🇮🇷!!

8 months ago

And Palestine 🇵🇸uses terrorism and Hostage’s as a weapon of War so whats ur point hypocrite 🤔🧐🤫🤫

8 months ago

That guy from the PA should be more engaged on creating jobs and hope for his miserable people instead of telling lies every day.

8 months ago

Many of the leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas live abroad – and enjoy luxury and have enormous capital: according to Saudi publications, the fortune of Ismail Haniyeh, Khaled Mashaal and Musa Abu Marzouk is estimated at $4.5 billion. 5 billion dirhams each.

“Maaz Haniyeh – a life of extravagance, drugs, alcohol and women,” reads a Saudi newspaper headline about one of the sons of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. Khaled Mashal Made his fortune from the suffering of his people and the generosity of the rest of the world. A certified thief who left the people without bread and water. He calls himself a liberator, but in reality he stole freedom and hope for a better future from people."

8 months ago

CNN published testimonies from Gazans recorded two weeks after the war began, a Gazan resident said: “Currently, as a person living in a Gaza prison, my main and immediate enemy is Hamas, not Israel. I don't have a home. , no life. Nothing. We were doomed to suffer because of this military organization. Who made us live in poverty in the Gaza Strip? Not Jews, but Hamas. They themselves live in luxury and we protect their missiles.”