
Part 1: Mastering User Authentication in Angular using Node.js, MongoDB, and Express with Social Login

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Mastering User Authentication in Angular with Node.js, MongoDB, & Express with Social Login – part 1

Mastering User Authentication in Angular with Node.js, MongoDB, & Express with Social Login – part 1

User authentication is a critical component of most web applications, and Angular, Node.js, and MongoDB are popular technologies for building modern web applications. In this article, we will explore how to master user authentication in an Angular application with a Node.js backend and a MongoDB database, while also implementing social login functionality.

Setting up the Project

To get started, we need to set up our project with Angular on the front end and Node.js with Express on the back end. We also need to configure MongoDB as our database. Once we have our project set up, we can begin implementing user authentication and social login functionality.

User Authentication with Node.js and MongoDB

User authentication involves validating a user’s identity and managing user sessions. With Node.js and MongoDB, we can create a secure user authentication system by implementing features such as user registration, login, and password encryption. This ensures that only authenticated users can access protected resources within the application.

Social Login Integration

In addition to traditional username and password authentication, many users prefer to log in using their social media accounts. Social login integration allows users to authenticate using platforms such as Google, Facebook, or Twitter. We can implement social login in our application by leveraging OAuth and integrating it with our Node.js backend and MongoDB database.


In part 1 of this series, we have introduced the concept of mastering user authentication in an Angular application with Node.js, MongoDB, and Express. We have discussed the importance of user authentication and social login, and we have outlined the key components of our project setup. In part 2, we will dive into the actual implementation of user authentication and social login functionality.