
Part 1 of #htmx: Can it Toggle?

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Does it Toggle? #htmx (Part 1)

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Does it Toggle? #htmx (Part 1)

HTMX is a great library for creating seamless and efficient web applications. One of the key features of HTMX is its ability to toggle content on and off without having to refresh the entire page. In this article, we will explore how to use HTMX to create toggles in your web application.

Setting up HTMX

Before we can create toggles with HTMX, we need to set up the library in our project. You can either download the HTMX library and include it in your project, or you can use a CDN link to include it in your HTML file. Here’s an example of how to include HTMX using a CDN link:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@1.5.0" integrity="sha384-6i6Ka/GQ6M8sOWg+oRr2Is4vbT+1U3i+Gzk2+UdciFEjfXXyTXNyGzklM3pQN7M/" 

Creating a Toggle

Now that HTMX is set up in our project, we can start creating toggles. Toggles allow users to show or hide content with a simple click or tap. With HTMX, creating a toggle is as simple as adding a few attributes to your HTML elements. Here’s an example of how to create a toggle with HTMX:

<button hx-get="/toggle-content" hx-trigger="click" hx-target="#content" 
		hx-swap="outerHTML" >Toggle Content</button>
	<div id="content">
		<p>This is the content that will be toggled</p>

In this example, we have a button that, when clicked, will fetch content from the server using the hx-get attribute. The fetched content will then replace the content inside the #content div using the hx-swap attribute. This creates a seamless toggle effect without having to refresh the entire page.

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we will dive deeper into advanced toggling techniques with HTMX.

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