Part 1: Reading Modbus Data Using Python

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How to Read Modbus Data with Python – Part 1

How to Read Modbus Data with Python – Part 1

Modbus is a communication protocol commonly used in industrial automation systems. In this article, we will learn how to use Python to read Modbus data from a device.

Step 1: Install pyModbus

The first step is to install the pyModbus library, which is a popular Python library for working with Modbus communication. You can install pyModbus using pip:

pip install pyModbus

Step 2: Connect to the Modbus Device

Once pyModbus is installed, you can create a connection to the Modbus device using the following code:

from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient

client = ModbusTcpClient('device_ip_address')


Step 3: Read Modbus Data

After establishing the connection, you can read Modbus data from the device using the following code:

result = client.read_holding_registers(start_register, num_registers, unit=unit_id)

In the above code, ‘start_register’ is the starting address of the data, ‘num_registers’ is the number of registers to read, and ‘unit_id’ is the Modbus unit id of the device.

Step 4: Process the Modbus Data

Finally, you can process the read Modbus data as per your requirement. You can convert the data from raw Modbus format to a human-readable format and perform any necessary calculations.


Reading Modbus data with Python is a straightforward process using the pyModbus library. In this article, we covered the initial steps of installing pyModbus, connecting to a Modbus device, reading data, and processing the data. In the next part of this series, we will explore more advanced topics related to Modbus communication with Python.

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6 months ago

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to make and do you have experience for a modbus sunspec prototype (Modbus variant specified in solar energy) with this python library?

6 months ago

Very interesting video! Is there a way to read Modbus TCP data with the Man in the middle principle? For example, you have the temperature sensor as the server and the Chipsee PC as the client. Instead of reading the data directly from your sensor, you have for example a Raspberry Pi in between those components that monitors the traffic.