Part 1: Setting Up Your Development Environment for Kivy & KivyMD Weather App Tutorial by Novfensec Inc.

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Kivy & KivyMD Weather App Tutorial: Setting Up Your Dev Environment | Part 1 | Novfensec Inc.

Kivy & KivyMD Weather App Tutorial: Setting Up Your Dev Environment | Part 1 | Novfensec Inc.

Welcome to Part 1 of our Kivy & KivyMD Weather App Tutorial! In this tutorial series, we will be building a weather app using the Kivy framework and the KivyMD material design library. In this first part, we will be setting up your development environment so you can start coding right away.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Python
  • Kivy
  • KivyMD
  • A code editor (such as Visual Studio Code or PyCharm)

Setting Up Your Environment

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Install Python from the official website (
  2. Install Kivy by running the following command in your terminal:
  3. pip install kivy

  4. Install KivyMD by running the following command in your terminal:
  5. pip install kivymd

  6. Open your favorite code editor and create a new Python file to start coding your weather app!

And that’s it! You are now ready to start building your weather app using Kivy and KivyMD. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this tutorial series, where we will be creating the user interface for our app.

Happy coding!

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