Part 14 of Django Help Desk Ticket System Project: Showing the Coin Balance.

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Django Help Desk Ticket System Project part-14| Display Coin Balance

Django Help Desk Ticket System Project part-14| Display Coin Balance

In this tutorial, we will be implementing a feature to display the coin balance of users in our Django Help Desk Ticket System project.

Step 1: Create a View

First, we need to create a view that will fetch the coin balance of the currently logged in user and display it on a page.

def display_coin_balance(request):
coin_balance = request.user.coin_balance
return render(request, ‘coin_balance.html’, {‘coin_balance’: coin_balance})

Step 2: Create a Template

Next, we need to create a template file (coin_balance.html) to display the coin balance.


Coin Balance

Your Coin Balance is: {{ coin_balance }}


Step 3: Update URLs

Finally, we need to update our URLs file to include a route for displaying the coin balance.

path(‘coin_balance/’, views.display_coin_balance, name=’display_coin_balance’),

Step 4: Test the Feature

Now, when users visit the /coin_balance/ page, they will see their current coin balance displayed.

With these steps, you have implemented the feature to display the coin balance of users in your Django Help Desk Ticket System project. This can be useful for users to keep track of their virtual currency in the system.