
Part 2: Building a form app with Laravel, Vue, and Inertia.js – Live Stream

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Live Stream – Building a form app with Laravel, Vue, and Inertia.js (Part 2)

Live Stream – Building a form app with Laravel, Vue, and Inertia.js (Part 2)


In part 1 of this live stream series, we started building a form app using Laravel, Vue, and Inertia.js. In this part 2, we will continue where we left off and focus on implementing form validation and data submission.

Form Validation

Form validation is an important aspect of any web application to ensure that the data submitted by users is valid and meets the required criteria. In our form app, we will use Laravel’s built-in validation rules to validate the form data. We will also use Vue’s reactivity to display validation errors in real-time to the users.

Laravel Validation

To perform validation on the server-side, we will use Laravel’s validation rules. We will define the validation rules in the form request class and handle the validation errors on the server.

Vue Reactivity

To display the validation errors to the users in real-time, we will use Vue’s reactivity to bind the errors to the form fields and display them dynamically as the user interacts with the form.

Data Submission

Once the form data is validated, we will implement the data submission to save the form data to the database. We will use Laravel’s controller to handle the form submission and Inertia’s post method to send the form data to the server.

Laravel Controller

We will create a controller method to handle the form submission and save the form data to the database. The controller method will receive the form data from the client and perform necessary actions to store the data.

Inertia.post Method

Using Inertia’s post method, we will send the form data to the server and handle the response to provide feedback to the user about the success or failure of the data submission.


In this part 2 of the live stream series, we continued building our form app with Laravel, Vue, and Inertia.js by implementing form validation and data submission. We learned how to use Laravel’s validation rules, Vue’s reactivity, and Inertia’s post method to create a fully functioning form app. Stay tuned for part 3 where we will focus on enhancing the user experience with form app animations and transitions.

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Александр Егорович
7 months ago
