Part 2: Deploying Node.js Microservices to AWS Cloud Using Serverless Lambda and API Gateway – Tutorial #34

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Deploy Node JS Microservices to AWS Cloud with Serverless Lambda, API Gateway Part-2 #34

Deploy Node JS Microservices to AWS Cloud with Serverless Lambda, API Gateway Part-2 #34

Continuing from Part-1 where we discussed setting up the initial configuration for our Node JS microservices on AWS Cloud with Serverless Lambda and API Gateway, in this article we will focus on deploying the actual microservices and testing them.

Deploying Microservices

To deploy our Node JS microservices to AWS Cloud, we will use the Serverless framework. Make sure you have Serverless installed on your local machine. If not, you can install it by running the following command:

npm install -g serverless

Once Serverless is installed, navigate to the directory where your Node JS microservices code is located. Create a new Serverless project by running the following command:

serverless create --template aws-nodejs

This will create a serverless.yml file in your project directory, where you can define the configuration for your microservices.

Update the serverless.yml file with the necessary configuration, such as the name of your microservice, the runtime, and any other settings specific to your microservices.

Once the configuration is set, you can deploy your microservices to AWS Cloud by running the following command:

serverless deploy

Serverless will package and deploy your microservices to AWS Lambda, and create an API Gateway endpoint for each microservice.

Testing Microservices

After deploying your microservices, you can test them by sending HTTP requests to the API Gateway endpoints. You can use tools like Postman or curl to send requests to your microservices.

Make sure to include the necessary headers and parameters in your requests, as defined in your microservices’ code.

Once you receive a response from your microservices, you can analyze the output and ensure that they are functioning as expected.

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed Node JS microservices to AWS Cloud with Serverless Lambda and API Gateway. You can now scale and manage your microservices easily in a serverless environment.

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