Part 2 | Django’s Journey to Freedom: Django Unchained (2012)

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In this part of the movie “Django Unchained” (2012), Django finally becomes a free man after being sold into slavery and enduring the hardships that come with it. This part is crucial to the storyline as it sets the stage for Django’s journey towards revenge and ultimately, freedom.

At the beginning of the movie, Django (played by Jamie Foxx) is introduced as a slave who is being transported along with other slaves by a group of traders. He is eventually sold to Dr. Schultz (played by Christoph Waltz), a German bounty hunter who is on the lookout for the Brittle brothers, a group of dangerous outlaws. Dr. Schultz offers Django his freedom in exchange for helping him track down the Brittle brothers.

As Django and Dr. Schultz embark on their journey, Django learns the art of bounty hunting and proves to be a skilled shooter. He also learns about the injustice and cruelty of slavery, as he witnesses firsthand the mistreatment of slaves by their owners. Django’s desire for freedom and justice grows stronger as he becomes more involved in Dr. Schultz’s mission.

As the story progresses, Django and Dr. Schultz successfully eliminate the Brittle brothers and become a formidable bounty hunting duo. Dr. Schultz sees potential in Django and offers him a partnership, allowing Django to keep a portion of the bounties they collect. This newfound partnership gives Django a taste of independence and empowerment, fueling his desire for freedom even more.

Throughout their journey, Django and Dr. Schultz encounter various obstacles, including confrontations with ruthless slave owners and encounters with the Ku Klux Klan. Despite these challenges, Django remains determined to achieve his freedom and seek vengeance against those who have wronged him.

In one pivotal scene, Django confronts Calvin Candie (played by Leonardo DiCaprio), a wealthy plantation owner who holds Django’s wife, Broomhilda (played by Kerry Washington), captive. Django must navigate a treacherous situation in order to rescue his wife and secure their freedom once and for all.

As Django faces off against Calvin Candie and his minions, he unleashes his full potential as a skilled shooter and a fearless warrior. With Dr. Schultz by his side, Django manages to outsmart his enemies and secure his and Broomhilda’s freedom. Django’s journey from a powerless slave to a liberated man is a testament to his unwavering determination and courage.

In conclusion, Part 2 of “Django Unchained” is a crucial turning point in Django’s story as he finally becomes a free man and takes control of his own destiny. The themes of justice, freedom, and empowerment are central to this part of the movie, showcasing Django’s resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Django’s journey towards freedom is a powerful and inspiring narrative that resonates with audiences and highlights the importance of fighting for what is right.

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17 days ago

You can watch "Django Unchained" for free using the Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial linked on my channel page!

17 days ago

I love how he says “inquiry with young Django” that tone and execution is amazing

17 days ago

Django is one of the best movies on fhe planet. Its like a 4 hour movie

17 days ago

Damm legs busted,,,no doubt

17 days ago

I love this movie so much.

17 days ago

Well at least after this, the other slaves helped the wounded slaver back on his feet, who then realized the errors of his ways and, after a speedy recovery, became an active supporter of black emancipation. Warms the heart.

17 days ago

Why is this movie sooooooo gooood

17 days ago

Walz is brilliant

17 days ago

Legs busted!

No doubt.. 😂😂😂

17 days ago

My dad always randomly blurts out “Goddamn son of a bitch! You shit Roscoe!” And now I know what it’s from

17 days ago

Shultz was so surprised because he could see Django slapping his knees with both arms in the air from behind

17 days ago

Waltz is the coolest hero character.

17 days ago

While 1.6% of whites owned slaves, 78% of those were drewish.

17 days ago

The rdr2 text is perfect here

17 days ago

"No doubt" gets me every time

17 days ago

I like how Schultz casually asked that guy to hild his gun.

17 days ago


17 days ago

The moment he notice django was dummy thicc

17 days ago

One of the most unrealistic movies of all time but i loved every second of it

17 days ago

The guy playing Rosco also played Butch later on in the movie

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