Part 20: Implementing Bulk Delete Feature with Vue 3 and Laravel

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How to add bulk delete feature using Vue 3 and Laravel | Part 20

How to add bulk delete feature using Vue 3 and Laravel | Part 20

In this tutorial, we will learn how to add a bulk delete feature using Vue 3 and Laravel. This feature allows users to delete multiple items at once, making it more convenient and efficient.

Step 1: Setting up Laravel API

First, we need to set up our Laravel API to handle the bulk delete request. We can create a new route in our routes/api.php file:

Route::delete(‘/items/bulk-delete’, [ItemController::class, ‘bulkDelete’]);

Next, we can create a new method in our ItemController that will handle the bulk delete request:

public function bulkDelete(Request $request)
Item::whereIn(‘id’, $request->ids)->delete();

return response()->json([‘message’ => ‘Items deleted successfully’]);

Step 2: Setting up Vue 3 Component

Next, we can create a new Vue 3 component to handle the bulk delete feature. We can add a new method in our component that will make a request to our Laravel API:

const deleteItems = async () => {
await axios.delete(‘/api/items/bulk-delete’, { data: { ids: selectedItems.value } });

We also need to update our template to include a checkbox for each item that the user can select:


  • {{ }}


Step 3: Testing the Feature

Finally, we can test our bulk delete feature by selecting multiple items and clicking the “Delete Selected Items” button. This will send a request to our Laravel API to delete the selected items.

By following these steps, you can easily add a bulk delete feature using Vue 3 and Laravel. This feature can help improve the user experience and make managing large amounts of data more efficient.

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12 days ago

nice tutorial

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