Part 4: Implementing a Modular Project Structure with Routers in FastAPI

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FastAPI Beyond CRUD Part 4: Modular Project Structure With Routers

FastAPI Beyond CRUD Part 4: Modular Project Structure With Routers

FastAPI is a high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python. In this article, we will explore how to create a modular project structure in FastAPI using routers.

What is a Router in FastAPI?

In FastAPI, a router is a way to organize your API endpoints into separate modules. Each router can handle a specific set of endpoints related to a particular resource or feature of your API.

Creating Routers in FastAPI

To create a router in FastAPI, you can use the APIRouter class provided by the framework. Here’s an example of how you can create a router for handling user-related endpoints:

        from fastapi import APIRouter
        router = APIRouter()
        def get_users():
            return {"message": "Get all users"}
        def get_user(user_id: int):
            return {"message": f"Get user {user_id}"}

By creating a router for user-related endpoints, you can keep your codebase clean and organized by separating different parts of your API into their own modules.

Modular Project Structure with Routers

By using routers in FastAPI, you can create a modular project structure that makes it easy to add new features to your API and maintain existing code. Here’s an example of how you can create a modular project structure with routers:

1. Create a new folder for your routers, such as routers/.

2. In this folder, create separate Python files for each router, such as for user-related endpoints and for post-related endpoints.

3. Define your routers in each file using the APIRouter class.

4. Import and include your routers in the main file using the include_router method.

With this modular project structure, you can easily add new routers for different parts of your API without cluttering your main application file. This makes it easier to collaborate with other developers and maintain your codebase as it grows.


In this article, we’ve explored how to create a modular project structure in FastAPI using routers. By organizing your API endpoints into separate modules, you can keep your codebase clean and maintainable, making it easier to add new features and collaborate with other developers.

Stay tuned for more articles on FastAPI Beyond CRUD to learn how to build powerful APIs with Python!

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3 months ago

Hey guys, Thanks for watching. Please clieck the like button. It helps the videos. Also, more about the course can be found here.

3 months ago

Hey! first, thank you for the valuable FastAPI new playlist

While following the playlist and at the end of "router.include" method I encountered error saying invalid syntax do you have any idea why it's complaining? Or am I missing something.

I've drop the code snapshot in discord since I can't it here

3 months ago

Can I say tag me in the next part? 😆

3 months ago

okay, I will say I have learnt FastAPI in 13 minutes, I stopped at when you were introducing requirements.txt!

Man, APIs are easy to build, thanks to the people making things simple for us!

Thanks for the diversion sebbo, it was worth it, let me go back to reading my book that woke me up on such a sweet weekend😆

3 months ago

Well explained + Presented
Have good one