
Part one: Implementing CRUD operations in Laravel 9 using Vue JS 3

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Laravel 9 CRUD with Vue JS 3 – Part One

Laravel 9 CRUD with Vue JS 3 – Part One

In this tutorial, we will be building a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using Laravel 9 and Vue JS 3. This application will allow us to perform basic operations on a database, such as adding, viewing, updating, and deleting records. We will be using Laravel as our backend framework and Vue JS for the frontend.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • PHP
  • Composer
  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • Laravel 9
  • Vue JS 3

Setting Up the Project

First, let’s create a new Laravel project. Open your terminal and run the following command:

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel my-crud-app

Next, navigate to your project directory and install Vue JS using NPM:

$ cd my-crud-app
$ npm install

Now that we have our project set up, let’s move on to creating the CRUD functionality.

Creating the Database

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will be using a simple database with a single table. Create a new database and add a table called ‘items’ with the following columns:

  • id (integer, primary key, auto-increment)
  • name (string)
  • description (text)

Once the database is set up, we can move on to creating the backend API endpoints.

Creating the Backend API

Let’s start by creating a new controller for our items. In your terminal, run the following command:

$ php artisan make:controller ItemController

Next, open the ‘ItemController.php’ file and add the following methods for our CRUD operations:

public function index() { }
public function store(Request $request) { }
public function show($id) { }
public function update(Request $request, $id) { }
public function destroy($id) { }

These methods will handle the retrieval, creation, updating, and deletion of items in our database.

Setting Up Vue JS

Now that our backend API is ready, let’s move on to setting up Vue JS for the frontend. Create a new Vue component to display and manage our items. In your terminal, run the following command:

$ npm run dev

This will compile our Vue components and prepare them for use in the browser.


At this point, we have set up our Laravel backend with CRUD API endpoints and our Vue JS frontend to manage our items. In part two of this tutorial, we will be creating the frontend components and integrating them with our backend API.

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Code with Luqman
7 months ago

Hi, Guys, Feel free to ask any questions! This is part one and it covers, Laravel project creation, Bootstrap, and Vue Js installation using NPM and it also covers Create, and Read operations and server-side validations to validate the inputs!

Muhammad Mahbub
7 months ago


7 months ago

Docker consume too much storage. A bit problem for macbook user.

thanabalasingam yathursha thanabalasingam yathursha
7 months ago

is this facade design?

Dexter Naru
7 months ago

Worst tutorial ever!!

Ken John Siosan
7 months ago

Is the mysql-workbench installed on your windows machine (host machine)?

Salman Hasyim Adz Dzikri
7 months ago

will there be an image upload feature in this tutorial?

Victory Nwefo
7 months ago

In Laravel 9 CRUD with Vue JS 3 would you have unit testing??