Passing Props to Components in Vue.js – Episode 6

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Vue.js – Ep. 6 Passing props to components

Vue.js – Ep. 6 Passing props to components

Passing props to components is an important concept in Vue.js. Props allow us to pass data from a parent component to a child component. This is a powerful feature that enables reusability and modularity in our Vue.js applications.

What are props?

Props are custom attributes that we can define on a component and pass data into that component. These props can then be used within the component’s template.

Passing props to components

To pass props to a component, we simply bind the data to the component using the v-bind directive. For example:

<my-component v-bind:prop-name="data"></my-component>

In the above example, we are passing the data from the parent component to the child component using props. Inside the child component, we can then access the data using the prop-name attribute.

Using props in the child component

Once we have passed props to the child component, we can access the data in the child component’s template or script using the props attribute. For example:

export default {
props: ['prop-name'],
// ...

Now, we can use the prop-name data within the child component’s template or script as needed.


Passing props to components is a fundamental concept in Vue.js. It allows us to create reusable and modular components that can be easily customized for different use cases. By understanding how to pass and use props in Vue.js, we can build more flexible and scalable applications.