PERSIB to Give Strong Warning to “AA” for Skipping Training Twice Without Reason

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PERSIB is a well-known football club in Indonesia with a strong fan base and a reputation for professionalism. As with any professional sports team, attendance at training sessions is crucial for players to maintain their physical fitness, develop their skills, and stay connected with their teammates. In this tutorial, we will discuss the importance of attendance at training sessions and how PERSIB is handling a situation where a player, referred to as “AA”, has missed two sessions without a valid reason.

Firstly, let’s talk about the importance of attending training sessions for professional athletes. Training sessions are where players can improve their skills, work on tactics, and build team cohesion. It is also where coaches can assess players’ performance, provide feedback, and make adjustments to improve the team’s overall performance. Therefore, regular attendance at training sessions is vital for the success of the team.

In the case of “AA”, missing two training sessions without a valid reason is a serious offense. It shows a lack of commitment, professionalism, and respect for the team and coaching staff. It also disrupts the team’s preparation for upcoming matches and can create a negative atmosphere within the squad.

In response to “AA’s” absence, PERSIB has decided to issue a strong warning to the player. This is a common practice in professional sports to address disciplinary issues and ensure that players understand the importance of attending training sessions. By issuing a warning, PERSIB is sending a clear message that such behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

In addition to issuing a warning, PERSIB may also impose sanctions on “AA” for his actions. This could include fines, extra training sessions, or even suspension from the team. These measures are intended to hold “AA” accountable for his behavior and deter him from repeating the offense in the future.

It is important for PERSIB to handle this situation promptly and firmly to maintain discipline within the team and send a message to other players that such behavior will not be tolerated. By addressing the issue head-on and enforcing consequences, PERSIB is demonstrating a commitment to professionalism and accountability.

In conclusion, attendance at training sessions is crucial for professional athletes to maintain their fitness, develop their skills, and contribute to the success of the team. When a player, such as “AA”, misses training sessions without a valid reason, it is important for the team to address the issue promptly and firmly to maintain discipline and uphold standards of professionalism. PERSIB’s decision to issue a strong warning to “AA” is a necessary step to ensure that such behavior is not repeated and to maintain a positive and professional environment within the team.

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11 days ago

Putus kontrak we si Azis MH

11 days ago

Tingal pecat kituh ath pemaen nu kitu mh nga balerng kanu lain

11 days ago

Abdul Azis pnjem kn sja jenuh teu maen jd prcma latihan

11 days ago

Apakah bursa transfer masih buka? Saran saya ambil sergio maros nya psm Erwin Gutawa. Kita butuh bek tengah yang kuat. Abdul azis pecat secara tak terhormat aja

11 days ago

Keputusan manajemen Persib selalu lambat

11 days ago

Kade mang Tyrone ulah loba teuing ulin kaditu kadieu komo begadang mah,tah akibatnya jadi masuk angin fokus aja maenbal.kade ulah kabawakeun ku si AA,si eta mah rek jadi bandar bangkong ceunah jd males latihan ge.

11 days ago

Salah pelatih dan management kanapa AA gk di pake terus,kalo memang AA gk ke pake /jelek buang atuh

11 days ago

Salah management jg pemain diklat yg bagus dibuang Fazar F, Iqbal Dwijangge di tim lain gacor Untuk AA kalau tidak disiplin Loan aja

11 days ago

Era atuh, ku diri sendiri Jeung ku seluruh Bobotoh. !!!!

11 days ago

Tyrone rada ririwit di persib mah 😅

11 days ago

Karunya tong waka d erenkn,nuju panen pare hla mereun,😊😊

11 days ago

Sudah saat nya febri mengambil lisensi kepelatihan karena dia sudah punya cedera kambuhan yg rawan dan cedera itu yg di takutkan oleh para pelaku sepak bola

11 days ago


11 days ago

Kualitas pemain lokal,,,,mental tarkam buang saja,,,,kalo model begini di pake,,,Persib ya levelnya kayak pemainnya,,,,g profesional,,,,

11 days ago

AA (aɓduĺ azis) pecat ataẅa ɓuang (out) ɗari persiɓ !!

11 days ago

Anu puguh mah kevin Mendoza dahar gehu tapi ngenah ceunah mah wkwkwk

11 days ago

tc gimana kang? ada perkembantan ngga?

11 days ago

Aa abdul aziz/AA adam alis? Kang

11 days ago

nu paling rujit di persib teh, hnteu tegas komo aziz jeung febri hyog wae d ingu,, komo febri mh ogo ksmptan dina cidera jdi weh langka maen srua w kos aziz, ngadaang gajih buta,, heg tmpo history febri mes² cedera tiap persib butuh jeung padat jdwal, dina cgeur pas rek beres liga, heg w rncana si febri mah, , ges w coret dua pemain eta mh beban, bodo urang bndug asli, skirana ngarugikein persib mh mnding buang, neangn gnti na ckup kitu ngarah stabil komposisi pmain persib

11 days ago

Sakit ati lah…..
Pemain ko ga perna dipercaya untuk turun maen.
Bermusim musim

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