“Persistence of Mistakes in Avdiivka Shows Russia’s Inability to Stop” – Putin Declares “Presidential Campaign” on December 9th, 2023

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In recent news, Russia has once again found itself embroiled in controversy as it continues to make mistakes in Avdiivka, Ukraine. The small town in eastern Ukraine has been the site of ongoing conflict between Ukrainian forces and separatist rebels supported by Russia. Despite promises of a ceasefire, tensions have escalated in recent weeks, with reports of shelling, civilian casualties, and a dire humanitarian situation.

The latest development in this ongoing crisis comes in the form of a surprising announcement from Russian President Vladimir Putin. On December 9, Putin declared the start of his “presidential campaign” in Avdiivka, signaling a renewed push for Russian influence in the region. This move has drawn condemnation from the international community, with many viewing it as a blatant and provocative act of aggression.

Putin’s decision to launch his “presidential campaign” in Avdiivka is a clear indication that Russia has no intention of backing down or seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. Instead, it appears that Putin is doubling down on his support for the separatist rebels and is willing to use any means necessary to achieve his goals.

This latest development only adds to the long list of mistakes that Russia has made in Avdiivka and the wider Ukrainian conflict. From the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 to the ongoing military and diplomatic support for separatist rebels, Russia’s actions have consistently undermined regional stability and provoked international condemnation.

The situation in Avdiivka is particularly concerning due to the significant humanitarian impact of the conflict. The town has been without regular access to electricity, water, and heating for weeks, leaving civilians in dire conditions. The ongoing shelling and fighting have further exacerbated the situation, leading to civilian casualties and widespread suffering.

In response to Russia’s continued aggression, the international community must stand united in condemning these actions and holding Russia accountable for its destabilizing behavior. Sanctions and diplomatic pressure must be maintained to deter further provocations and push for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.

It is clear that Russia’s mistakes in Avdiivka and its broader approach to the Ukrainian conflict have only deepened the suffering of civilians and further destabilized the region. Putin’s announcement of a “presidential campaign” in the midst of this crisis only serves to underscore Russia’s reckless and aggressive behavior.

As the situation in Avdiivka continues to deteriorate, it is imperative that the international community remains vigilant and resolute in its efforts to address the root causes of the conflict and prevent further escalation. Russia’s continued provocations and mistakes must be met with a firm and unified response to ensure the safety and security of the people of Ukraine.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

If this guy is reflective of US combat troops, Russia has nothing to worry about.

6 months ago

LOL, bad propaganda.

6 months ago

So Ukraine is winning?

6 months ago

Did Ukraine forces surrender around avdivka don’t know what to believe anymore

6 months ago

It is time for Ukraine to clear a bigger area twice the size to prevent them constantly trying to come right back. Using longer range. If someone tries a defensive, clear areas 2-3 times as big.
Archangel Michael

6 months ago

LMFAO, ok bro, I get it you want to go all patriotic and shit and say yay Ukraine is doing awesome and all, but man, just like the last dudes channel I was believing in for a short time. It ain't working bro, the Russians are kicking ass and advancing daily. I don't give a flying F*** who wins to be honest. This has nothing to do with the USA and our country, call me when Russia is attacking a NATO country and I might think about giving a F*** and funding that shit. Until it is justified abroad, and this is definitely not justified for the USA to be involved in, do not bother with the Ukraine is winning shit, they are not and getting slaughtered wholesale and begging for help to fund politicians pockets, so they can retire comfortably in a tropical paradise. Tell me I am wrong and prove it, you know damn well you can not…..
Edit: It is a simple concept at this point, you side with MSM and you are, at best covering up, if not complete disinformation. Everything tells us Russia is winning and advancing daily, no matter what war map on any side you look at. Common sense and seeing is believing is a thing, Currently and since the beginning(not 2014) Russia is winning and really not even trying at this point. They are most definitely baiting the USA into destroying itself. Not hard to see, but then again people do not pay attention…

6 months ago

Questions welcome? Did Putin basically take huge lands of Ukraine? Did Ukraine lose western funding? Are they sending 60+ year old men and now women? Lol while we're asking questions. Are you just stupid, or a liar? Are their Nazis in Ukraine or did the new York times lie? Is this the most corrupt country in Europe? Now that Russia has taken most of the territory in Ukraine which has Ukranian gas – how desperately do they need the expertise of Hunter Biden on gas and how many prostitutes, laptops and crack should they aquire to tap his crucial gas experience?

6 months ago

Chased out of Afghanistan by goat herders defending their country and here you are now.This stale mate war will end up in a negotiated peace settlement with the winners being Halliburton and Lockheed Martin.
You need to study the subject more and pay less attention to propaganda

6 months ago

When Adivka falls, who wants to bet this clown says it was never strategically important?

6 months ago


6 months ago

Wow rasPutin is running again? That’s surprising. NOT !

6 months ago

I think Putin doesn't care how many soldiers Russia is losing…for his egoist narratives

6 months ago

Witness the collapse of the Ruzzian toilet brigade

6 months ago

Man, the russians will take Avdiivka.They will take whatever they want in Ukraine. It's matter of time! They don't care about the casualties, they never did. It doesn't work to fear Russia with heavy casualties, sanctions, poverty, isolation and so on. Ukraine is doomed. NATO troops will never enter there officially.I can predict that this war will end next year.

6 months ago

Russia is a democracy….they have 26 political parties, they vote, and all the people in Crimea and Donbass voted to be Russian citizens so they will be voting in the March 202 4 election. Ukraine is NOT a democracy, has no elections, has no political parties allowed except the Pro-Nazi AVOZ party, and Orthodox priests are in jail. Since 2014 over 14 million out of 34 million have fled Ukraine tp Poland to get away from the corrupt government. Think about that when the liars tell you to support Ukraine to save democracy…..LOL….

6 months ago

It would be funny if Putler lost to Zelenskyy.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Please urge all of your subscribers to contact their senators to get off their butts, stop playing politics with Ukrainian lives and free the weapons and funds.

6 months ago

Here in the states we have people clamoring for a dictator, so…