
Personalizing Your NextJS Application with Light and Dark Mode

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Customising your NextJS application with light and dark mode

Customising your NextJS application with light and dark mode

NextJS is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. One of the key benefits of using NextJS is its flexibility and customisation options. In this article, we will explore how you can customise your NextJS application with light and dark mode.

Setting up light and dark mode

The first step in customising your NextJS application with light and dark mode is to set up the actual modes. This can be done using CSS variables, media queries, and JavaScript.

To set up light mode, you can define CSS variables for colors and other styling properties that are specific to the light theme. Similarly, for dark mode, you can define CSS variables for the dark theme.

You can then use media queries to detect the user’s preferred color scheme (e.g., prefers-color-scheme: dark) and apply the appropriate styles based on the user’s preference.

Implementing light and dark mode in NextJS

NextJS provides a convenient way to implement light and dark mode in your application using its built-in support for CSS modules and theming. You can create separate CSS modules for light and dark mode styles and import them based on the user’s preference.

Additionally, you can use JavaScript to toggle between light and dark mode based on user interaction or system preferences. This can be achieved by adding event listeners to elements such as buttons or toggles and updating the theme dynamically.

Benefits of light and dark mode

Customising your NextJS application with light and dark mode offers several benefits. First, it provides a better user experience by allowing users to choose a theme that suits their preferences and reduces eyestrain. Second, it demonstrates your attention to detail and commitment to accessibility and inclusivity.

Furthermore, implementing light and dark mode in your NextJS application can enhance the overall aesthetic and appeal of your website or web app, making it more modern and sophisticated.


Customising your NextJS application with light and dark mode is a simple yet effective way to enhance the user experience and improve the visual appeal of your website or web app. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily implement light and dark mode in your NextJS application and provide a more personalised and accessible experience for your users.

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7 months ago

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7 months ago

Thanks alot! cleared my doubts…….😊😊

7 months ago

WHY IS EVERY TUTORIAL WITH TAILWIND? The use of that is just so uncreative

7 months ago

My idea is that I want to allow customers to choose the color for their theme, how do I do that?

7 months ago

Working but have some issues https://prnt.sc/PS2Xl0Y2Xgkf

7 months ago

is this working on server side components to?

7 months ago

I thought tailwind itself used to come with a dark mode (like we have to specify the attribute in its config file), am totally not aware of what next-themes offers better than that

7 months ago

Great one thanks Eddie ❤