Peter Doocy confronts KJP with: “Are you still blaming Trump for that?”

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Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy is known for his tough and pointed questions to politicians, and he didn’t hold back when he called out White House Press Secretary Kate Bedingfield for blaming former President Donald Trump for current issues.

During a press briefing, Doocy asked Bedingfield about the ongoing supply chain issues and rising inflation, and if the administration would take responsibility for it. Bedingfield responded by pointing fingers at Trump, saying “That’s still Trump’s fault?”

Doocy didn’t let her off the hook that easily, and pushed back by highlighting that President Joe Biden has been in office for almost a year now, and it’s time for the administration to step up and take accountability for the current state of affairs.

This exchange highlights the ongoing blame game between the two political parties. While it’s not uncommon for politicians to point fingers at their predecessors, it’s important for the current administration to focus on finding solutions and taking ownership of the situation.

It’s easy to blame the previous administration for all the current issues, but it’s not a productive way to govern. The American people are looking for real solutions and action, not excuses and finger-pointing.

Peter Doocy’s callout of the Biden administration is a reminder that the public expects transparency, accountability, and real leadership from its leaders. It’s time for the White House to stop playing the blame game and start working towards real, tangible solutions for the challenges facing the nation.

The ongoing supply chain issues and rising inflation are impacting Americans across the country, and it’s crucial for the administration to step up and address these issues head-on. Passing the blame onto the previous administration is not a viable solution.

As we look towards the future, it’s important for the Biden administration to focus on proactive measures to tackle the current state of affairs. This means working with experts, stakeholders, and Congress to find real solutions to the problems at hand.

Doocy’s questioning serves as a reminder that the press plays a vital role in holding the government accountable and ensuring transparency. It’s important for journalists to continue asking tough questions and pushing for clarity and honesty from our leaders.

In the end, it’s up to the Biden administration to demonstrate real leadership and take responsibility for the state of the country. Blaming the previous administration may be an easy way out, but it’s not the solution the American people are looking for. It’s time for action, not excuses.

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6 months ago

Only people dumber than KJP, are the people that believe her…

6 months ago

Doesn’t really how she responded. They are all just stalling for time. This is not stupidity or incompetence. It is the deliberate systematic destruction of America from the inside out.

6 months ago

Hey FOX….you all are responsible for this too. so stop bitching!!!!

6 months ago

KJP Klown 🤡🤡🤡

6 months ago

Did Obama blame Bush?

6 months ago

20 bucks a cart more? lol

6 months ago

Thanks joe ByeDone and all who were involved in this 2020 corrupt election.

6 months ago

30 years from now they will still say “trump is to blame”.

6 months ago

Anyone that likes that white house speaker should not be allowed to vote…

She isn’t American and stumbles over her words constantly bc English isn’t her language…

Biden shut the economy down for the duration of COVID… not the last administration

Biden turned off our oil bc of war with Ukraine and Russia, so we have to go into other reserves

Shutting down the economy for a year+ and making oil more expensive as we must tap into other markets, reserves etc., means base costs will raise.

We spent loads of money while Sheltering In Place, creating more debt… still people drove cars, product was shipped by truck, and more so those things are true now, but oil costs are crazy bc of everything around the Russian Ukraine war… plus all the extra money we are forced to spend via Biden on that war

6 months ago

The Democrats do not want to take responsibility for causing the inflation

6 months ago


6 months ago

Trump took $ that was to go to these other countries for 4 years. We gotta pay it back somehow.. That is what she means

6 months ago

I don't know why they call the stuff hamburger helper, it does just fine by itself Clark!

6 months ago

where are you finding hamburger for $6 per pound? Ours is $9!

6 months ago

Have they ever taken responsibility for anything? Or is it always finger pointing? Pathetic.

6 months ago

A bottle of 32oz Hunts ketchup at Walmart is under 5$.

6 months ago

I don’t believe Bloomberg! Prices are higher than $20 more.

6 months ago

Only thing I can say if things don't change the elections going to be a landslide

6 months ago

The media is so fake, nobody in America believes them anymore. And they think we’re stupid! Lol
Blame trump for everything….BS !

6 months ago

i agree with duecee, however these 4 people at this table are idiots. holy cow.