Phinah Kodisang adds her voice to the call to end GBVF

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Calls to end Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) have been growing louder in recent years as the world grapples with the alarming rates of violence against women and girls. South Africa, in particular, has been at the forefront of this fight, with countless activists and public figures speaking out against GBVF and calling for immediate action to address this critical issue.

One such individual who has been a vocal advocate for ending GBVF is Phinah Kodisang, a prominent figure in the fight for women’s rights and gender equality in South Africa. As the National Director of the Black Womxn Caucus, Kodisang has been actively involved in campaigning for an end to GBVF and raising awareness about the devastating impact it has on the lives of women and girls in the country.

In a recent interview, Kodisang weighed in on the urgent need to address GBVF and emphasized the importance of taking concrete steps to protect women and girls from violence. “The prevalence of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide in South Africa is nothing short of a national crisis. It is an urgent issue that requires decisive action from both the government and the society at large,” she stated.

Kodisang also highlighted the need for comprehensive and sustained efforts to end GBVF, including the implementation of effective policies and the allocation of resources to support survivors and prevent further violence. “We cannot afford to simply pay lip service to this issue. It requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the root causes of GBVF and provides support to those who have been affected by it,” she added.

In addition to her advocacy work, Kodisang has been actively involved in mobilizing communities and empowering women to speak out against GBVF. Through her leadership, she has played a crucial role in fostering a collective spirit of resilience and determination among women in South Africa, inspiring them to demand justice and accountability for GBVF.

As the calls to end GBVF continue to reverberate across South Africa and beyond, it is important to heed the voices of leaders like Phinah Kodisang, who are tirelessly working to bring about meaningful change. Ending GBVF is not just a moral imperative; it is a human rights issue that demands urgent and sustained action from all sectors of society. As Kodisang aptly put it, “We cannot afford to be complacent in the face of such a grave violation of women’s rights. It is time for decisive action to end GBVF once and for all.”