Physicists Will Contribute to Extinction

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Physicists Will Cause Extinction

The Potential Threat from Physicists

Recent advancements in physics have raised concerns about the potential for physicists to inadvertently cause extinction-level events. While the field of physics has contributed greatly to our understanding of the universe and has led to many innovations, there are also potential risks associated with certain technologies and experiments.

Particle Accelerators

One of the most concerning areas of physics research is the use of particle accelerators. These powerful machines are capable of generating incredibly high energy collisions between subatomic particles. While this has led to many important discoveries, there is also the potential for unexpected consequences.

Some scientists have raised concerns about the possibility of creating a black hole or a strangelet – a hypothetical particle that could potentially convert ordinary matter into strange matter, leading to disastrous consequences for the planet.

Weaponization of Physics

Physics has also played a significant role in the development of powerful weapons, including nuclear and potentially more devastating weapons. The destructive power of these weapons poses a real threat to the survival of humanity and many other species on Earth.

Environmental Impact

Physicists are also involved in research that has the potential to have harmful environmental impacts. For example, the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most powerful particle collider, has raised concerns about its energy consumption and the potential for environmental damage.

Regulation and Responsibility

While these concerns are serious, it’s important to note that the vast majority of physicists are dedicated to using their knowledge for the betterment of society. However, it is essential for the scientific community and policymakers to consider the potential risks associated with certain areas of physics research and to implement regulations and safeguards to mitigate these risks.

Ultimately, the potential for physicists to cause extinction is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires careful consideration and responsible action. By addressing these concerns, we can continue to benefit from the advancements in physics while minimizing the potential risks to our planet and its inhabitants.

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4 months ago

0:18: 🌌 The video features an interview with Dr. Brian Keating, a renowned cosmologist, discussing existential crises and preparedness from a physicist's perspective.
4:21: 🌎 The speaker discusses the current era as a golden age with potential for ambiguity and polarization.
8:34: ⚠️ Discussion about the challenges humanity faces and the need for allegiance to address them.
12:27: ⚛️ The speaker emphasizes the need to integrate systems at the base layer of reality, which is physics, and highlights the potential of the physical sciences to create positive impacts.
16:28: 🕰️ The concept of time and its beginning is complex and not easily definable, with various theories and perspectives.
20:39: 🔬 The laws of thermodynamics and their connection to the physical universe are discussed, along with their practical applications in technology and space exploration.
24:54: ⭐ The video discusses the Kardashev scale and the concept of building a sphere around a star to harness its energy.
28:50: 🎹 The video discusses the thought process and training of theoretical physicists using the example of piano tuners and stars in the galaxy.
32:57: 🌌 The video discusses the Drake equation and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
Recapped using TammyAI

4 months ago

multi planetary is not incl Mars or any other planet in this star system of ours. It means another high ESI planet which we don't have. Going to Mars is NOT 'going to the stars' (correct your video please). Voyagers have gone only a few billion miles and already their signals are becoming diffuse and as a light year is 5.88 TRILLION miles and A Centauri is 4 ly (whatever it is) away, then it is obvious Fermi did not correctly contemplate and or appreciate 'astronomical distance'. We and any other civilization in the Milky Way alone (180,000 LIGHTYEARS!! wide) are alone, marooned simply by large distances, so large as to even make laughable hopes of communication systems. Nasa can count stars and arithmetic probability of number of planets orbiting them and what type of planet (yes, life bearing, high ESI ones like ours) and all due respect to the poster they're fairly good at it you might say: result?: there's about 10 billion 'earths' in just the Milky Way. Fermi? Nice man, but on the obvious associative base of the existence of this chemical reaction we call 'complex life', he was glaringly wrong (euph for 'stupid'?) and not even close to the smart minds of Nasa, Kepler and Jwst team, Frank Drake etc. etc. etc.

4 months ago

The slow max speed of information (or travel) means that no aliens could have discovered our radio broadcasts unless they were looking within a about 200 light year bubble around the earth (being generous). This is a teeny tiny fraction of the space in just our own galaxy. AND they would have had to have been looking in the 200 year window of time we've been broadcasting – an infinitesimal faction of time in the age of our galaxy. These two factors alone seem to make the probability of detection virtually zero. I can easily imagine a universe full of intelligent life that is alone forever. As far as alien civilizations lasting for millennia and somehow being able to maintain some sense of a culture or civilization as they spread across the galaxy, given that such travel would take many thousands of years, it seems unlikely if we use ourselves as an example.

4 months ago

If such a filter exists it seems to me that it is paltry in it's stringent vetting, if it's existence allows it's existence to be so nebulous or questionable in its presence.
It seems illusory by compare to other previous "unknowns" we persisted by and later set oit to find and ultimately confirm.
We thought ourselves alone ignorant to the reality of sun and star but in relatively short time we not only came to appreciate several ultimately lesser reality about the same before confirming the current held tested truths today, which brought further queries and more still paths to find or test but nothing of some all defining filter.
If it exists why is it hardly more than a speculative notion used as a carrot/ stick to lead down path otherwise impossible to grasp in hand and mind no matter day or current timeline.
It's like a spectre to me, more a distraction to subvert from the actual seen or serviceable threads our society has proven exist.
I find it interesting perhaps but not in a thought of absolute neccesitation to follow such train of thought.

"We must" is best reserved for something just as weighty as the demand, must cannot be a vague notion.
We must breathe, eat, see. Even if not with our eyes, then through lens and tools ends but no matter every other prior unknown now shown however larger than the reality it otherwise would be found slight or small in our grasp, this filter seems much like a non starter.
It seems like an accessory to a belief that is flawed prior to it's unnecessary baggage.
Like a cigarette filter it seems more like a promising path through smoke and mirrors.
Maybe I evoke a cloak and dagger distrust in my words but if the question is "will physics destroy us" that seems as deceptive as any other force.
No, physics will not destroy us.
How and why, and WHERE it goes does human hand and intent go.
It remains regardless.
Even should we no more remain , even if present in other realities beyond some veil yet seen physics shall never destroy us like some fickle pilferer or a net to tight for our fate to thread it's gap.
Yes it has and will be used to violent end both by design and accidentally but our hands are just as much a filter as some far flung lofty ideation used to evoke a sort of test as ethereal and absent as the implicit danger of the subject of discussion.
I apologize if I missed something but I think first the filter which we find in the fabric of our reality and reasoning today is the test we need to stay to answer. We did not go to the moon before we reckoned with the sun, and we did not grasp our place in the fabric of our reality remaining tethered to a filter which required faith without show. We can test physics, ourselves and the relations theirin. The question of the filter seems more like hope to traipse an issue we made before we know it's answer.
Why must we pass the filter?
Why is this filter merely a thing to break free from? To go where stronger forces would well be wished ourselves kept out looking in?
The answer is in the usage, it's always pushing for more like a fattened dog squirming to go where it please.
Preparedness isn't merely hoping to flee to feast on something new or yet known before reckoning with the remains of the current day. Good or bad. If it is to escape a failing then the filter even if passed through is more like a wind carrying a flame, a chokepoint which filters but continues to feed the winds which warn of the rot soon to come.

The prepared or wealthy can look to pass a filter utilizing knowledge gripped besides gold stretched in a long line bathed in the black stretch of stars like an ivory tower upended ridden upon, whilst the exhaust of all efforts and days filters in a trickle to those left behind. Those "ignorant" masses passed by the progressives which promise the world but give false hope to surpass. A filter forms the facade so long known, a bill of goods we must achieve lest be lost in flood or similar storm.

An Ark for the few who knew utilizing the good words they furnished and the filtration of the wizened prophet, maybe it's not smoke and mirrors. Maybe it is real and must be found surpassed but how often is progress learned only after a filter is proven faulty or merely a front through which smoke and poison be spread thin yet still hung as a cloud behind which the profiteering pious powers pass through right as rain afforded passage overtop the lost.
The filter is as much a test of humanity as it is physics. Just another gap to fill with the swill of all ages if not one spoken in various names filtered through the same.

That's just my opinion.
It seems mostly as if it is a Construct created to justify a perception rather than a true force of nature or science aside from social fabrication inclined to filter to force something so nebulous that the filter can hardly be dedined let alone tested by something similarly defined as the source of its own names implied designs.

4 months ago

No its not. Ur a fucking dumb ass. Congrats uve proven that even doctors are morons.

4 months ago

well,duhhh !

4 months ago

In ww1, Australia stopped the Germans in Europe and destroyed the Otterman empire, in ww2 we were the 1st to defeat the the advance of the Japanese, if we have to arm again we won't allow any other empire to upset our long weekends and BBQ's.

4 months ago

This proposition wouldn't exist if America was more normal regarding a fair society. I'm a Aussie watching the hysteria in the USA, we have real threats to our philosophy of enjoying a long weekend. Those threats are China and a hysterical USA. Both of you are ruining an Aussie BBQ. You dumb bastards really know how to upset the Aussie dream, now we have to arm ourselves to the teeth.

4 months ago

LMAO Canadian Prepper. Bought a CBRN Mask of this guy pre covid. Wild times
This is my daily reminder that I live in a simulationnnnnnnnnn.

4 months ago

Look up Millernarians. Yikes. Chicken Littles get convinced the sky is falling so your fears part you with $$$$. 98% of the world knows it's bullshit and doesn't bother. Dead guys in their 50's bunkers swearing they were right! lol, Bullshit industry to con fearful people. Same as Guns. America is nuts.

4 months ago

No, physics just is, like language and music, but some homininds might use its powers to do so if a meteorite, comet or extreme volcanism etc. doesn't do it first? Further, we can learn something from biology, paleontology and anthropology, extinction is the rule not the exception for species over long periods of time. We in the west have a long way to go to rival humanity's most successful ethnicity to date, the hunter-gatherer Khoisan of the Kalahari, who've been around for over 200,000 years, or over 10,000 generations, as the first group of homo sapiens sapiens according to genetic science as of a few years ago? They are still around today. They didn't need any or all of the so-called great historical leaders that came after their first ancestors, during any time during their past 200,000+ years of subsistence existence, including any of today's so-called great thinkers? As far as is known, they never started any wars but have walked out of Africa during those past 200,000+ years and helped populate the planet with sapiens-sapiens.

4 months ago

Oh, there's gonna be tiers, alright!

4 months ago

I'm sorry for thinking that physicists are idiots. But all that "type I civilization" crap completely overlooks the possibility that advanced aliens probably learn to advance their technology with reasonable amounts of energy. If you can't build a warp drive using nuclear power, you have no business traveling across the universe.

4 months ago

This video is sponsored by Pizza Hut so I ordered pizza with extra cheese before listening.

4 months ago

My admiration of your abilities to clearly and positively articulate your ideas and my respect for your perspectives have grown over time the more I watch you Brian and that is a rare thing in this day and age on the internet. You have the ability of teaching without preaching and talk to us instead of at us. I appreciate being talked to as a person capable of understanding complex ideas and concepts and enjoy your abilities to make things easier to grasp, especially when so many people seem to be purposefully muddying the waters to make them seem deep. I am a huge fan of you and the content you bring us and I want to thank you personally for all you do.

4 months ago

Our hubris, and lack of respect for nature are the problem. The atom bomb was created to end a war, then politicians took over and created a monster.

4 months ago

See David Kipping:"Why we might be alone." And the: "Rare Earth hypothesis. Add in many of the great filters like abiogenesis, bridge to eukaryotic life, civilizations which never discover scientists, the rare ness of our type of galaxy, our metal rich place in the galaxy, puts quite a damper on the number of technologically advanced civilizations.

4 months ago

Start with an oscillator, build a clock, TaaDaa! Time
Make quantum spin the oscillator, the emitted light the clock, TaaDaa! Time
Next! I’m a busy man.

4 months ago

Is call resistance of time and that time your mind will start work with speed of light. Idea comes , best challenge of thoughts and best creation will happen. Is a time when you don’t allowed to make mistakes. We will make it !

4 months ago

Hello 🙋🏻‍♂️
We my ancestry have one word for past present future and now
One word for all meanings
Meaning then, now or later
Were I
Where am I
We’re are we
Were will we be
You have them too 🎉
Yet mine are older than you
An end implies a beginning
Yet if there is no end
Is it a loop or a ring 😂
Should be €$£¥ to See
Well it is for me
7:04 credibility on the line
Did you not get the cat in the box one 😂 do you not like happy accidents or successful mistakes 10:37 😂
12:51 demonocracy you vote for a leader he dose the dirty deed and think your hands are clean. Bye your own measure you know the answer. That was left field assassins on tap 😂 science 😂
Well we did kill off all those who had the answers that are etched in stone. Too bad you can’t read them 😂
Give me a buzz if ya need a hand ❤😂😂😂😂
Probably not of the right bread
I’m Not from sheep
I only eat them 😮