
Powerful Integration Techniques for React-Vite and Django

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React-Vite & Django: 2 Powerful Integration Techniques

React-Vite & Django: 2 Powerful Integration Techniques

React-Vite and Django are two popular technologies in the web development world. React-Vite is a fast build toolset for React web applications, while Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Integrating React-Vite with Django can provide a powerful combination for building modern web applications. Here are two powerful integration techniques to consider:

1. Using Django as a Backend API

One way to integrate React-Vite with Django is to use Django as a backend API for your React-Vite frontend. This involves creating API endpoints in Django to communicate with the frontend, and then using React-Vite to consume these APIs and display the data on the frontend. This approach allows you to leverage the strengths of both technologies – Django’s robust backend capabilities and React-Vite’s fast and efficient frontend development.

2. Using Django Rest Framework (DRF)

Another powerful integration technique is to use Django Rest Framework (DRF) with React-Vite. DRF is a powerful toolkit for building Web APIs in Django, and it provides a flexible and easy-to-use set of tools for building APIs. By using DRF with React-Vite, you can easily create RESTful APIs in Django and consume them in your React-Vite frontend. This approach allows for seamless communication between the backend and frontend, and enables you to build modern, dynamic web applications with ease.


Integrating React-Vite with Django can provide a powerful combination for building modern web applications. Whether you choose to use Django as a backend API or leverage Django Rest Framework, these integration techniques can help you build robust, efficient, and scalable web applications. By combining the strengths of React-Vite and Django, you can create a seamless and high-performing web application that meets the demands of today’s users.

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7 months ago

This is A LOT better than most of the other tutorials I have seen so far…

The sad part is it just feels a bit more involved to setup than using Webpack and babel?

Like do I have to use "collectstatic" each and every time I want to build my react app?

I would love to find a way to seamlessly integrate these both together for instance running say Django in debug true/false and it also starts my react app in the same config or vice versa

As an example: I have a botched together webpack and babel setup and its working, by simply building the app into a main.js file served by Django, the only issue I have found is as my project has grown the bundle size has drastically increased leading to almost a 6mb bundle, about 1mbps when loading the react app.

I will most likely keep Webpack and babel and just try to optimize it as much as possible as I think that will be simpler/easier than refactoring my whole project to use vite…

7 months ago

would also like to know how to integrate Vue3 with Django (1st way – cram vue into django)….sadly the vitejs official docs talk only about React….

Mario Cortés
7 months ago

Great explanation

7 months ago

TKS for vídeo

Arun Ravikumar
7 months ago

Jsil Tech
7 months ago

39:06 -> "http://localhost:5173"