Practical Application of Angular Signals

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Angular Signals in Practice

Angular Signals in Practice

Angular signals are an important feature of the Angular framework that allow components to communicate with each other. In this article, we will explore how to use signals in your Angular applications.

Creating a Signal

To create a signal in Angular, you first need to import the Signal class from the @angular/core package. Once imported, you can create a new signal instance using the following code:

import { Signal } from '@angular/core';
const mySignal = new Signal();

Subscribing to a Signal

Once you have created a signal, you can subscribe to it in a component or service to listen for changes. To do this, you use the subscribe method and provide a callback function that will be called whenever the signal is emitted. Here’s an example:

mySignal.subscribe((data) => {
console.log('Signal emitted:', data);

Emitting a Signal

To emit a signal and trigger the callback functions of all subscribers, you can use the next method of the signal instance. Here’s how you can emit a signal with some data:'Hello, world!');

Using Signals in Practice

Signals can be a powerful way to manage communication between components and services in your Angular applications. They provide a flexible and decoupled way to send and receive data, and can help to reduce tight coupling between different parts of your application.


In this article, we’ve looked at how to use signals in your Angular applications. By creating, subscribing to, and emitting signals, you can effectively manage communication between different parts of your application. Signals are a valuable tool in the Angular developer’s toolbox, and can help to create more maintainable and flexible applications.