Practical Training in Generative AI Using Hugging Face and PyTorch Lightning: Large Language Models

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Generative AI with Large Language Models: Hands-On Training feat. Hugging Face and PyTorch Lightning

Generative AI with Large Language Models: Hands-On Training feat. Hugging Face and PyTorch Lightning

Generative AI with large language models has been revolutionizing various industries, from natural language processing to content generation. With the advancements in AI and machine learning, organizations are leveraging these large language models to build innovative applications that can understand and generate human-like text.

One of the most popular frameworks for working with large language models is Hugging Face, which provides a powerful and user-friendly interface for building, training, and deploying state-of-the-art models. Paired with PyTorch Lightning, a lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research, developers can get hands-on training to harness the power of these models for generative AI.

What is Hugging Face?

Hugging Face is a leading platform for natural language processing, offering a wide range of pre-trained transformer models that can be fine-tuned for specific tasks. The platform provides a simple and intuitive API for working with large language models, as well as a vast library of pre-trained models to choose from.

What is PyTorch Lightning?

PyTorch Lightning is a lightweight wrapper for PyTorch that provides a high-level interface for training and building complex AI models. With PyTorch Lightning, developers can focus on the research and development of their models without having to worry about the boilerplate code for training and validation.

Hands-On Training with Hugging Face and PyTorch Lightning

With the combination of Hugging Face and PyTorch Lightning, developers can get hands-on training to build and fine-tune large language models for generative AI. This training will cover topics such as data preprocessing, model fine-tuning, and deployment, providing a comprehensive understanding of working with large language models in real-world applications.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Understanding the fundamentals of large language models and generative AI
  • Exploring the Hugging Face platform and its pre-trained transformer models
  • Implementing fine-tuning and training with PyTorch Lightning
  • Deploying and integrating large language models into production applications

Who Should Attend?

This hands-on training is suitable for developers, data scientists, and AI enthusiasts who want to learn how to work with large language models for generative AI applications. Participants should have some prior knowledge of machine learning and natural language processing, as well as experience with Python and PyTorch.


Generative AI with large language models is a rapidly evolving field with endless possibilities for innovation. By attending hands-on training featuring Hugging Face and PyTorch Lightning, developers can gain the skills and knowledge needed to leverage these powerful models for building advanced AI applications.

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6 months ago

God bless you for putting this up. I have no other means to train

6 months ago

Loved this, really insightful and helpful. Thank you! And did anyone tell you you sound a lot like Sean Carroll, which is also very cool 🙂

6 months ago

Hi Jon, I haven't gone through this video yet, but from other comments I learn that this is a great tutorial. I have seen your other videos on the math behind ML and it is very impressive. You are doing this as a service to educate people on concepts that is not easy to understand sometimes. This inspires me to be of service to others in whichever way I can.

6 months ago

Hey 👋 Jon!! I am following your machine learning foundation series but I noticed that statistics, Data Structures and Alg and Optimization Topics are missing, I want to get started in Artificial intelligence so can you please make Machine learning videos regularly
Thank you!!

6 months ago

Dude you still got it!!! Great video!!!

6 months ago

Sir, can I start ML parallely with this ML foundation series or after completing this maths from algebra then I start ML . my bigest problam 😞 . please answer

6 months ago

Exceptionally clear and concise, despite being 2+ hours long. Excellent introduction to LLMs holding enough advanced bits to keep more seasoned viewers hooked as well!

6 months ago

As usual Awesome John !

6 months ago

Extremely well done Jon, I was able to immediately get to work and learn thanks to your concise explainations of everything. I'm blown away by how much you covered with out any fluff in a manner that was very approachable.

6 months ago

Hi Jon! I tried to run the example in Colab but the GPT4All-inference file read that there is no module named: ‘nomic.gpt4all’. So it won’t take me past the second step of the download. I’m sure it’s user error, but could you point me in the right direction please? Thanks!

6 months ago

sir what about statistics for ml Foundation series please answer 😀

6 months ago

Hi Jon, Many thanks for your efforts and time put to prepare this content. As always your sessions are simple, crisp, complex concepts explains very nicely along with hands on example.

6 months ago

Came after listening to your podcast

6 months ago

Awesome Jon, This is like A-Z in one session you have covered. I really appreciate your time and efforts to grow the community.

6 months ago

Thank you, Jon. It was fascinating.

6 months ago

Pure 🔥 John! Just like your Deep Learning Illustrated!🎉🏆

6 months ago

Sir make videos on statistics for machine learning

6 months ago

Thank you so much Jon. I appreciate your time and efforts. Please keep uploading videos on NLP.

6 months ago

It's really a great training. It covers all different aspects in graceful manner. Greatly appreciated. Thanks you so much!

Just curious to know if any plan to make tutorial on "Deep Learning with PyTorch and TensorFlow” available to community.

6 months ago

Great session Jon! This was very helpful 😁