
Practicing Template Driven Forms with Max’s Angular Course: Assignment 6

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Max’s Angular Course: Assignment 6 – Practicing Template Driven Forms

Welcome to Max’s Angular Course: Assignment 6

Practicing Template Driven Forms

Template driven forms are an essential part of Angular development. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to practice creating and working with template driven forms in Angular.

What to Expect

In this assignment, you will learn how to create a template driven form in Angular using the ngForm directive and the NgModel directive. You will also learn how to perform form validation and handle form submission using the ngSubmit event.

Key Concepts

  • Creating a template driven form using ngForm and NgModel directives
  • Performing form validation using built-in Angular validators
  • Handling form submission using the ngSubmit event

Getting Started

To get started with this assignment, make sure you have a basic understanding of Angular and its core concepts. If you are new to Angular, I recommend going through my previous lessons and tutorials to get up to speed.

Once you are familiar with Angular, start by creating a new Angular project or using an existing one. Then, follow the instructions provided in the assignment to create a template driven form with validation and submission handling.


If you need help or additional resources, feel free to refer to the official Angular documentation or search for tutorials and articles online. You can also reach out to the community for support and guidance.


Template driven forms are a fundamental aspect of Angular development. By completing this assignment, you will gain valuable experience and practical skills in creating and working with template driven forms in Angular.

Good luck and have fun practicing template driven forms!