Preprocessing Layers in Keras

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Keras preprocessing layers are a set of layers that can be used to preprocess input data before it is fed into a neural network model. These layers can handle a variety of preprocessing tasks such as normalization, standardization, text tokenization, and image resizing. In this tutorial, we will explore some common preprocessing layers and demonstrate how to use them in your Keras model.


Before you can use Keras preprocessing layers, you need to install the Keras package. You can do this using pip:

pip install keras

Importing the necessary libraries

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.layers.experimental import preprocessing

Normalization and standardization

Normalization and standardization are common preprocessing techniques that are used to rescale input data to a common scale. We can achieve this using the Normalization and Normalization layers in Keras.

# Normalization layer
normalization_layer = preprocessing.Normalization()

This layer computes the mean and variance of the input data and scales it to have zero mean and unit variance.

# Standardization layer
standardization_layer = preprocessing.Normalization(mean=0, variance=1)

Image resizing

Image resizing is a common preprocessing step in image classification tasks. We can use the Resizing layer in Keras to resize image inputs to a specified size.

# Resizing layer
resizing_layer = preprocessing.Resizing(height, width)

Text tokenization

Text tokenization is the process of converting text data into a numerical representation that can be fed into a neural network. We can use the TextVectorization layer in Keras to tokenize text inputs.

# TextVectorization layer
text_vectorization_layer = preprocessing.TextVectorization(max_tokens, output_mode, output_sequence_length)

This layer tokenizes the input text and converts it into a sequence of integers.

Usage example

Let’s demonstrate how to use these preprocessing layers in a simple example.

# Define a model with preprocessing layers
model = keras.Sequential([
    normalization_layer,  # add normalization layer
    standardization_layer,  # add standardization layer
    resizing_layer,  # add resizing layer
    text_vectorization_layer,  # add text vectorization layer
    keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='relu'),  # add a dense layer
    keras.layers.Dense(1)  # add output layer

# Compile the model
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')

# Train the model, y_train, epochs=10)

In this example, we have defined a model with various preprocessing layers and trained it on the training data. You can replace the preprocessing layers with the appropriate ones for your specific task.


In this tutorial, we have covered some common preprocessing layers in Keras and demonstrated how to use them in your models. Preprocessing layers can be a powerful tool for improving the performance of your neural network models by handling data preprocessing tasks in a modular and efficient way. Experiment with different preprocessing layers to find the best preprocessing strategy for your specific task.

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2 hours ago

Subscribe to keep up with the latest in TensorFlow!

2 hours ago

At 8:21, usually we have a `def __call__(self, …)` , but here I see `def call(self, …)`
Overall, excellent presentation 👍

2 hours ago

Before making my comments I really want to stress that everything you've said in this video are valid and useful – but for someone who probably has had prior training and knowledge of the subject matter. The dialogue in your video is akin to a conversation between Google engineers working in a team developing some sort of API, all fully immersed in the context and possessing multifaceted knowledgeable about the problem and solution domains. Almost everyone in Tensorflow and Keras teams make those assumptions and quite frankly the usefulness of their tutorials end after the initial introduction. Try anther video without those assumption and for someone who may not be fully aware of everything to do with Tensorflow Libraries or Keras API exposing those libraries' functions. Then I'll be the first to subscribe.

2 hours ago

Can I use a normalization layer as an output layer ?

2 hours ago

Where can i find the slides for reference?

2 hours ago

that's great explanation! thank you

2 hours ago

Could you give the link of the code and the presentation. Also is there a website where I can find these resources. Is there any I can get certified by TensorFlow that I know this library? I am a junior in university trying to learn machine learning

2 hours ago

Ĺqĺql ĺ ĺl ĺ kĺĺ

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

Hi tensorflow team,

I tried the examples, but

train_ds = tfds.load('imdb_reviews', split=['train'], as_supervised=True)
train_ds = train_ds.batch(8)

gives an error "' list' object has no attribute 'batch' ". Any idea why?

2 hours ago

It could be helpful to explain how to build a preprocessing layer with different preprocessing for each feature.

2 hours ago

How can I get these slides? Thanks.

2 hours ago

That's amazingly cool! Thanks!

2 hours ago

This was what i was waiting for a long time before switching back to keras again ! I have been asking this question here and there all over the internet lol. Now here we go ! Thanks!

2 hours ago

Is it only the “adapt” function that isn’t good for large datasets or is it all preprocessing using keras layers? If the preprocessing layers aren’t supposed to be used for large datasets I have to wonder what’s the point??

2 hours ago

Hi tensorflow team , i want implant nn.parameter functionality with keras and tensorflow. Can you give some suggestions to how used keras and tensorflow as nn.parameter in my code.

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