
Presenting: Encore TypeScript

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Introducing: Encore for TypeScript

Introducing: Encore for TypeScript

Encore is a powerful toolkit for building modern web applications with TypeScript. It provides a set of tools and features that make it easy to develop, test, and deploy your web applications. With Encore, you can quickly scaffold a new project, write clean and maintainable code, and optimize your application for performance.

Key Features of Encore for TypeScript:

  • Automated project setup: Encore provides a CLI tool that can quickly scaffold a new project with all the necessary files and folders.
  • Type safety: TypeScript provides type checking at compile time, helping you catch errors early and write more reliable code.
  • Optimized build process: Encore comes with a built-in build system that optimizes your code for performance and reduces file sizes.
  • Testing support: Encore includes tools for unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing to ensure your application is reliable and bug-free.
  • Deployment tools: Encore provides tools for packaging and deploying your application to production environments with ease.

Getting Started with Encore for TypeScript:

To get started with Encore for TypeScript, you can install it via npm:

npm install -g encore

Once installed, you can create a new project by running:

encore create my-app

This will create a new folder with all the necessary files and folders for your project. You can then start developing your web application using TypeScript and Encore’s powerful features.

Overall, Encore for TypeScript is a versatile toolkit that can help you build robust and efficient web applications with ease. Give it a try today and see how it can streamline your development process.

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1 month ago

this looks awesome guys 🙂

1 month ago

It would be even cooler if the rust app could run multiple nodejs instances and balance the load between them(when configured). It would be truly amazing in terms of mitigating the nodejs single threaded nature

1 month ago

Does it work with Bun? 🙂

1 month ago

Fantastic! I've been waiting for this

1 month ago

This looks promising 🤠

1 month ago

What is it with those french named libraries coming out!

1 month ago

Hope that’s not another new runtime that is free now but then we’ll have to pay

1 month ago

encore built with rust? but i dont see any rust sdk? or any tutorial how to use it with rust?

1 month ago

Looks amazing. Was excited about effect (and still am) but I'm excited about this too

1 month ago

So encore is what again? A framework? Like spring ? Or .net

1 month ago


1 month ago

Try putting the script close to the camera so its not obvious you are reading from script BUT A LOVELY JOB YOU GUYS HAVE DONE AWESOME !

1 month ago

This is so cool! 🎉 Forwarding to our team

1 month ago

Low key looks like Kevin De Bruyne

1 month ago

It's really cool that it's fully compatible with node! For the types part, is it a superficial parser, or an alternative front-end to the transpiler that actually gets the fully resolved types?

1 month ago

Why? What's the point? Did you not have internet access to look for NestJs? Or? Are you some kind of special snowflakes that claim to bring the 'Don't reinvent the wheel', 'Our framework is the best', 'Is the faster'?
What is the point, what do you offer to the table? You inspire bad practises (I guess you are all coming from React, which could explain it.), with absolutely random architecture. Just cause you did a wrap around Node Request/Response and SQL driver does not mean you have to release another immature backend framework.
NestJS offered microservices, monorepo, protobuff, streams, actual event driven architecture, proper controller/service/repo since you were in liquid form.
Why did you even bother starting 1 more instead of contributing? What's the matter with you and projects like the Effect (RxJs wannabe but inferior)?

1 month ago

1 big problem i see with modern tools is they often trying to do everything poorly instead of one thing good. For example encore doesn't give you ability to connect your database, instead you have to stick with their solution. I haven't found encore self-hosting ability so it means your app is alive only if encore is alive.
Hey, Encore, great product but eliminate errors at the start: build a platform, not a product, so companies can actually trust you.

1 month ago

I had a feeling you guys where from Sweden, and looking it up, yepp your office is in Stockholm. Cool!

1 month ago


1 month ago

Huge news!!! Congrats!!