Preserve a QPolygon in Python 3.6+ and PyQt5 using Pickle

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Pickling a QPolygon in Python 3.6+ and PyQt5

Pickling a QPolygon in Python 3.6+ and PyQt5

When working with PyQt5 in Python, you might come across situations where you need to serialize a QPolygon object to be able to save it to a file, send it over a network, or store it in a database. One way to achieve this is by pickling the QPolygon.

Python’s pickle module allows you to serialize and deserialize objects, including custom classes and instances, allowing you to save the state of an object to a file and then restore it later. In this article, we’ll walk through how to pickle a QPolygon in Python 3.6+ using PyQt5.

Importing the necessary modules

            import pickle
            from PyQt5.QtCore import QPolygon

Pickling a QPolygon

First, let’s create a QPolygon object. For this example, we’ll create a simple QPolygon with three points:

            polygon = QPolygon()
            polygon << QPoint(100, 100)
            polygon << QPoint(200, 200)
            polygon << QPoint(300, 100)

Now, we can pickle the QPolygon object using the pickle module:

            with open('polygon.pickle', 'wb') as file:
                pickle.dump(polygon, file)

This code creates a binary file called ‘polygon.pickle’ and saves the serialized QPolygon object into it.

Unpickling a QPolygon

To unpickle the QPolygon object and restore it, you can use the following code:

            with open('polygon.pickle', 'rb') as file:
                restored_polygon = pickle.load(file)

Now, the ‘restored_polygon’ variable contains the QPolygon object that was saved earlier.


Pickling and unpickling QPolygon objects in PyQt5 is a useful technique for serializing and deserializing complex data structures. It allows you to store and retrieve QPolygon objects with ease, making it a valuable tool in your PyQt5 programming toolkit.