Problems with Kivy Pyinstaller packaging paths

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Kivy Pyinstaller Packaging Path Problems

Kivy Pyinstaller Packaging Path Problems

If you are using Kivy for developing desktop applications and you run into packaging problems with Pyinstaller, you’re not alone. One common issue that developers face is related to the path to resources like images, fonts, and other assets that are used in the application.

Why does this happen?

When you package your Kivy application using Pyinstaller, it creates a standalone executable file that includes all the necessary libraries and resources. However, sometimes the paths to these resources get messed up during the packaging process, leading to errors when the application is run.

How to fix it?

One way to solve this problem is to manually specify the paths to your resources in your Kivy application code. You can use the `sys` module to get the current directory of the executable and then construct the absolute paths to your resources based on that.

import sys
from kivy.resources import resource_add_path

# Add the current directory of the executable to the resource search path

By doing this, you ensure that Pyinstaller can find your resources correctly when the application is run as a standalone executable.


Dealing with path problems when packaging a Kivy application with Pyinstaller can be frustrating, but with a little bit of manual tweaking, you can ensure that your resources are always found correctly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to avoid most path-related issues and create a smooth user experience for your desktop application.

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3 months ago

and linux?