Professor Hartmut Winkler shares his thoughts on South Africa’s plans to construct new nuclear plants

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South Africa has long been reliant on coal for its energy needs, but with the increasing push for cleaner and more sustainable sources of power, the government is considering building new nuclear plants. This has sparked a heated debate among experts and the public alike, with many questions about the feasibility and safety of such a project. To shed some light on the issue, Professor Hartmut Winkler, a leading expert in energy and nuclear physics, has weighed in on the matter.

In an interview with local media, Professor Winkler stressed the importance of diversifying South Africa’s energy sources. He pointed out that the country currently relies heavily on coal, which not only contributes to air pollution and climate change but also poses a risk to public health. In this context, nuclear power could offer a much-needed alternative that is both clean and reliable.

However, Professor Winkler acknowledged that building new nuclear plants is a complex and costly endeavor. He emphasized the need for thorough planning and rigorous safety measures to ensure that the technology is deployed responsibly. In addition, he noted that South Africa must also consider the long-term management of nuclear waste, which can pose significant environmental and health risks if not handled properly.

When it comes to public concerns about the safety of nuclear power, Professor Winkler offered reassurance. He explained that modern nuclear reactors are designed with multiple layers of safety features, making them highly resistant to accidents and capable of withstanding natural disasters. Furthermore, he pointed out that South Africa has a strong regulatory framework in place to oversee the operation of nuclear facilities, which adds an extra layer of protection.

In terms of the economic aspects of nuclear power, Professor Winkler highlighted the potential for job creation and technological advancement. He noted that building new nuclear plants would not only provide employment opportunities in construction and operation but also stimulate the development of high-tech industries related to nuclear energy. Moreover, he pointed out that a diversified energy mix would enhance South Africa’s energy security and reduce its reliance on imported fossil fuels.

In conclusion, Professor Hartmut Winkler’s insights provide valuable perspective on the issue of building new nuclear plants in South Africa. While the challenges and risks associated with nuclear power should not be dismissed, it is clear that the technology offers potential benefits in terms of sustainability, security, and economic development. As the country weighs its options for the future of energy, it is crucial to consider all available sources and make well-informed decisions that will benefit both current and future generations.

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6 months ago

😂😅 White old folks so panicking that blacks are increasing nuclear racist analysis 🚮

6 months ago

Zuma mentioned this in 2009 but the American puppets hungry big stomach leaders refused now they are continuing with President Zumas plan, I assume

6 months ago

Government just need to lead by building infrastructure and put systems in place to avoid corruption cause there's no way you can satisfy all citizens.

6 months ago

Why are white South Africans so against nuclear plants?

6 months ago

Zuma told you long time ago now you are electioneering

6 months ago

SMR's (Small Modular Reactors) could be of huge benefit and with reduced risk. Modularity will allow future upgrades at a vastly reduced cost and spreading the generation over multiple modules means less downtime and unavailability during repairs, maintenance and refueling. And fair enough the spent fuel can't be directly used and has to be stored somewhere, but storage techniques are quite well established and can be done remarkably safely.

Although very energy intensive, it is possible to refine some fuel out of the spent fuel and somewhere later down the line we may find another use for the spent fuel, but anyway there are options.

We already have huge amounts of Uranium sitting in Gold mine dumps so we might as well start producing our own nuclear fuel too instead of buying that from Russia as well.

I think ultimately nuclear can really help revive the economy if done properly, and ultimately the world over needs to adopt more nuclear generation since statistically it's the safest and most powerful source of energy, but I agree that other renewables will together play a huge part, we need everyone to become a generator

6 months ago

I don’t like the ANC government but please let’s be objective, this country will not have nice things that market the country positively and that create long term opportunities for South Africans because of this extreme “wokeness”

The Korean APR’s make more sense based on the 2500MW projection, two Korean reactors will produce 2800MW at 100% power, then about 200-300MW is consumed by the plant itself, 2500-2600MW into the Grid. APR’s refueling is at 18 months intervals. I know the ANC will favor the Russians but a Korean plant will make better economic, reliability and operational sense.

eNCA please invite people who have operational knowledge of Nuclear not textbook professors.

6 months ago

This professor is talking nonsense.😂

6 months ago

Thorium is found in abundance around the world. It's not harmful nor can it be weaponized.

6 months ago

Zuma's plan now seems plausible even to those who hated him.

6 months ago

ANC inviting the Russians in because the Russians are funding the ANC election campaign.

6 months ago

As usual Mantashe and the ANC talking nonsense. 👎 Vote out these idiots.

6 months ago

When Capital speaks…. It sounds like this guy 😂 South (Africans) pay close attention….. this news anchor is better suited at eNCA or Biznews….

6 months ago

Solar and wind will not work….

6 months ago

The ANC would have covert all legal expects.

6 months ago

Dear Prof come now we are simply going to revisit JZ's proposal of 2009…

6 months ago

The Russiams are coming….

6 months ago

A loan which would have been paid off by now had it not been for the DA and their false propaganda we were thrown into darkness. Nothing controversial here. This Prof. is worried because we are in business with the Russians and China. The DA have not alternatives for our growing energy crisis. Nuclear seems to be working for Europe….

6 months ago

Why was Zuma wrong. Politics. 😮

6 months ago

This is going to take 50 plus years…. and plenty plenty bucks…. Any immediate solutions other than the obvious "take your filthy paws off our money"….