Prosecutors Move Quickly to Prevent Trump From Evading 2024 Criminal Trial

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As speculation grows about a potential 2024 presidential bid from former President Donald Trump, prosecutors across the country are preparing to act swiftly to ensure that he does not escape a potential criminal trial.

After his controversial term as president ended, Trump has faced numerous legal challenges, including allegations of tax fraud, campaign finance violations, and incitement of the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. Prosecutors in New York, Georgia, and Washington, D.C. have been conducting investigations into his business dealings, financial records, and possible role in the insurrection.

While Trump has not been formally charged with any crimes, the looming possibility of a 2024 presidential campaign has prompted prosecutors to act fast to build their cases and secure evidence. Many legal experts argue that a potential run for the presidency would not shield Trump from criminal prosecution.

In New York, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is leading a probe into Trump’s financial activities, including potential tax fraud and other financial crimes. Vance has reportedly convened a grand jury to hear evidence and potentially issue indictments.

Similarly, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in Georgia is investigating Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election results in the state, specifically his phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which he urged him to “find” enough votes to reverse the outcome.

In Washington, D.C., prosecutors are pursuing charges against those involved in the Capitol riot, and Trump’s role as the instigator of the violence is a key focus of their investigation. They are aggressively seeking evidence to hold him accountable for his actions leading up to and during the insurrection.

The current legal landscape suggests that prosecutors are determined not to let Trump off the hook, regardless of his political ambitions. They are working diligently to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build strong cases that could result in criminal charges.

Some legal experts argue that prosecutors are acting swiftly because they are aware of the potential consequences of allowing Trump to run for office again without facing legal repercussions for his alleged wrongdoings. They believe that holding him accountable for any criminal behavior is essential to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that no one is above it, not even a former president.

It remains to be seen how these cases will unfold in the coming months and years, especially as Trump continues to toy with the idea of a 2024 presidential campaign. However, one thing is clear – prosecutors are determined to act fast and won’t let Trump escape a potential criminal trial. As the legal battles intensify, the spotlight will only continue to shine on Trump’s conduct as he considers his future in politics.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

If the Supreme Court finds Trump has unlimited presidential immunity, would that also mean that he is not guilty of insurrection? Would it mean that the 14th Amendment did not apply to him? I don't think unlimited presidential immunity exists, but if it does, seems that there would be a lot of problems…

6 months ago

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6 months ago

Rave on leftist. Truth will always out. Vote Red 2024!

6 months ago

The Stiffer is getting Stiffed.

6 months ago

What's he worried about he's innocent isn't he LOL

6 months ago

lock him up

6 months ago

i can't wait to see that evil, hateful SOB squirm and sweat while jack smith buries him with evidence and a jury finds him guilty on all counts and he awaits his sentence.

6 months ago

You need 1 minute to update,please stop boring people to death.I understand you are a narcissist who loves to hear yourself speak,no one else does.

6 months ago

Let's hope SCOTUS acts swiftly. 💯🇺🇲

6 months ago

Thanks Ben for your legal summary on the latest filing by Jack Smit;h.

6 months ago

Yes, way to go Jack Smith. And this needs to be last appeal, wish we could say no more appeals or we will detain you. Yea, right, Trump is getting away with so much already and his greed wants more. You are not above the Law Mr. Trump!

6 months ago

I realize that common legal practice is to cite an individual such as the subject of a prosecution as the source of various theories, but … That's really a misrepresentation that deflects opinon from the real source of weird legal theories, which are attorneys. Trump has neither the intelligence, knowledge, nor attention span to develop these "theories." Trump is nasty, but his attorney's are potentially as bad – or, perish the thought, worse.

6 months ago

Does his lawyers not know anything about case laws? My goodness!

6 months ago

Get them Jack, No Mercy !!!!

6 months ago

Oh, and also, I think Trump would welcome this case being heard by the SCOTUS, but NOOOOOOO trumps does not want that to happen either. Man is as guilty as sin!!

6 months ago

Just think, Trumps motion seeking absolute immunity would also hold for Mr Biden and every other President. How funny would that be as we all know Trump intends to toss Biden to prison should he be unfortunately re-elected..GOD HELP AMERICA!!!😅

6 months ago
