Xuất bản nội dung viết bằng markdown & obsidian lên web dạng Blog, Digital Garden, Docs
Markdown and Obsidian are popular tools for writing and organizing content. With these tools, you can easily create structured and well-formatted documents. However, publishing this content on the web in various formats such as a blog, digital garden, or documentation can require some additional steps. In this article, we will discuss how to publish content written in markdown and Obsidian on the web in different formats.
To publish markdown and Obsidian content as a blog, you can use a static site generator such as Jekyll, Hugo, or Gatsby. These tools allow you to create a blog website using markdown files as the source. By configuring the layout and design of your blog, you can easily publish your content on the web in a blog format. You can use HTML to create the structure of the blog and insert your markdown content within the appropriate HTML tags.
Digital Garden
A digital garden is a collection of interconnected notes and ideas that are presented in a non-linear way. To publish content in a digital garden format, you can use tools like TiddlyWiki or Roam Research. These tools allow you to create interconnected notes and organize your content in a non-linear fashion. You can use HTML to create the structure of your digital garden and embed your markdown content within the HTML tags to publish it on the web.
If you want to publish your markdown and Obsidian content as documentation, you can use a documentation tool such as MkDocs or Docusaurus. These tools allow you to create documentation websites using markdown files as the source. By customizing the layout and design of your documentation website, you can publish your content on the web in a documentation format. You can use HTML to create the structure of the documentation and insert your markdown content within the appropriate HTML tags.
Overall, publishing content written in markdown and Obsidian on the web in different formats such as a blog, digital garden, or documentation can be achieved by using HTML to create the structure of the web pages and embed your markdown content within the HTML tags. With the right tools and techniques, you can effectively publish your content on the web in various formats to reach your audience.