Pushing a Docker Image to GitLab Registry and Pushing a Dockerized Node.js App to GitLab Container Registry

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How to push Docker Image to GitLab Registry

Push Dockerized Node.js App to GitLab Container Registry

GitLab Container Registry allows you to store, manage, and deploy Docker images within your GitLab project. In this article, we’ll go through the steps to push a Dockerized Node.js application to GitLab Container Registry.


Before pushing the Docker image to GitLab Container Registry, make sure you have the following set up:

  1. A GitLab account and a project where you would like to push the Docker image
  2. Docker installed on your local machine
  3. A Dockerized Node.js application ready to be pushed

Pushing Docker Image to GitLab Registry

Follow the steps below to push your Dockerized Node.js application to GitLab Container Registry:

  1. Login to GitLab Container Registry using the following command:

docker login registry.gitlab.com

  1. Build the Docker image for your Node.js application using the following command:

docker build -t registry.gitlab.com/your-username/your-project-name/your-app-name .

Replace “your-username”, “your-project-name”, and “your-app-name” with your GitLab username, project name, and application name respectively.

  1. Push the Docker image to GitLab Container Registry using the following command:

docker push registry.gitlab.com/your-username/your-project-name/your-app-name

Again, replace “your-username”, “your-project-name”, and “your-app-name” with your own details.

Verifying the Push

Once the Docker image is pushed to GitLab Container Registry, you can verify it by visiting the “Packages & Registries” section of your GitLab project. You should see your Docker image listed under the “Container Registry” tab.


Pushing a Docker image to GitLab Container Registry is a straightforward process and allows you to easily manage and deploy your Dockerized applications within your GitLab project. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can efficiently push your Node.js application to the GitLab Container Registry.