Putin declares Ukraine has no future as Kyiv is hit by missile strike

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In a shocking development, Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that “there is no future” for Ukraine, just as a missile strike hit the capital city of Kyiv. This alarming statement has sent shockwaves across the international community and raised fears of an impending conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The missile strike, which hit a residential area in Kyiv, resulted in the deaths of several civilians and caused widespread destruction. This brutal attack has been widely condemned by world leaders, with many calling for an immediate de-escalation of tensions and a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

Putin’s ominous declaration of “no future” for Ukraine has further heightened concerns about Russia’s intentions towards its neighbor. The statement has been interpreted as a clear indication of Putin’s disregard for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

This latest development underscores the urgent need for a diplomatic solution to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The international community must come together to push for a peaceful resolution and prevent further escalation of the conflict.

The situation in Ukraine is incredibly volatile, and any further military aggression from Russia could have catastrophic consequences for the region. It is crucial that all parties involved exercise restraint and work towards a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

The Ukrainian government has called on the international community to stand in solidarity with them and support their efforts to resist Russian aggression. It is imperative that world leaders take a united stance against any further military actions by Russia and work towards finding a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

In the face of this grave threat, it is essential that the international community remains vigilant and takes concrete steps to prevent a further escalation of the conflict. The safety and security of the Ukrainian people must be paramount, and every effort must be made to de-escalate tensions and bring an end to the violence.

The missile strike in Kyiv and Putin’s disturbing statement about the future of Ukraine serve as a stark reminder of the urgency of finding a peaceful resolution to the crisis. The international community must act swiftly and decisively to ensure that further bloodshed is avoided and that the people of Ukraine are able to live in peace and security.

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6 months ago

Ukraine is wining

6 months ago

Where are all the protestors when it comes to statements and actions like this ?

6 months ago

There will be no Russia is Putin continues to kill hundreds of thousands of young Russian men simply so he can stay in power!

6 months ago

This is blood on traitor zelensky’s hands.

6 months ago

Putin is the smartest leader in the world currently.

6 months ago


6 months ago

How are the debris caused such a huge distructions, even when you claim to have shot down all the incoming missiles? A fake truth indeed!

6 months ago

ru-ss¡a already lost, years ago; they thought it would be a 3 day war; yet the Ukrainians persisted and showed the World that the so called russ-'an army is just a horde of disorganized orcs

6 months ago

All you putin lovers should be totally ashamed of yourselves!!!! GO UKRAINE 🇺🇦!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 months ago

Yeah a future under the Russian yoke like the famine in the 1900's that you purposely killed millions in Ukraine and I mean the russians did. Yeah Im sure they will like that future.

6 months ago

Le plan de l’homme n’est pas celui de Dieu,Amen!

6 months ago

Neither for him either ig

6 months ago

The USA instigated this war for their own goals then try to tell us Russia. And the USA hide behind the dead Ukrainian soldiers. All the gains of the USA.

6 months ago

Putin is right

6 months ago

There has been no Ukraine for a long time. The area is occupied by the Banderites, supported by the Pentagon and its subordinates.

Lamenting over "Ukraine" is lamenting the new generation of Banderites, more numerous and fanatical than eighty years ago.

This is America's war with Russia.

For this war, they bred a new generation of Bandera fanatics.

If the Pentagon were to eliminate Bandera fanatics, it would start by destroying the civilian population as it did in Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, Hamburg, Iraq, Vietnam and every other place where it defended its vital interests and national security.

Banderites would have surrendered themselves or fled to their sponsors.

The Pentagon would boast to the whole world about its success and the fact that it did not endanger its soldiers.

6 months ago

Как вы

6 months ago

Ничтожный мусор реально счастье может дать😂😂😂

6 months ago

He is talking about the stuff that feeds the war and nothing about the human cost. For him it is just a game of chess played with the real people. Pure Satanic.

6 months ago

Missiles will not win this war

6 months ago

Professor of psychiatry from George Washington University, founder and director of the Center for the Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior Gerald Post compiled a psychological portrait of […]. The main diagnosis of the President is malignant narcissism.

People affected by this disease are so self-absorbed that they perceive others only as tools to achieve goals. Empathy and compassion are completely alien. Nevertheless, they are well versed in people, they know how to manipulate them. Megalomania is manifested not only in arrogance, but also in the conviction of one's exclusivity.

Malignant narcissists tend to be extremely aggressive and suspicious. All around in their eyes are conspirators, they themselves are victims.

All these qualities Dr. Post found in […]. And, being in the center of international attention, he feels satisfaction: the dream of “world fame”, which he cherished since childhood, has come true.

According to Doctor Post, the constant fear of the enemy allows […] to justify his atrocities.

Dictator […] respects only strength. He considers any negotiations a manifestation of the weakness of the opposing side. (This article was not about Vladimir Putin, although it is completely suitable for him. The diagnosis was Saddam Hussein.)