Putin Makes Rare Visit to Saudi Arabia to Strengthen Ties with Crown Prince

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Russian President Vladimir Putin made a rare trip to Saudi Arabia this week to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in an effort to shore up ties between the two countries. The meeting comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region, as well as growing competition between Russia and Saudi Arabia in the global oil market.

The visit, Putin’s first to the kingdom in over a decade, was seen as a significant step in strengthening relations between the two countries. The Russian president’s visit also comes at a critical time for the Saudi kingdom, which has been under increasing international pressure following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the ongoing war in Yemen.

During the meeting, Putin and the crown prince discussed a range of issues, including the situation in Syria, the conflict in Yemen, and the recent attacks on Saudi oil facilities. The two leaders also signed several agreements aimed at boosting cooperation in the energy sector, including an agreement between Russian energy giant Gazprom and Saudi Aramco, the state-owned oil company.

The meeting between Putin and the crown prince is seen as a strategic move by Russia to strengthen its ties with the kingdom, as well as to assert its influence in the region. The two countries, both major oil producers, have increasingly found themselves at odds in recent years as they compete for market share in a global oil market that is increasingly competitive.

The visit also highlights the growing international isolation of Saudi Arabia in the wake of the Khashoggi murder and the ongoing war in Yemen. The kingdom has faced increasing scrutiny and criticism from the international community, and has been increasingly looking to countries like Russia for support.

The meeting between Putin and the crown prince is also significant in the context of the ongoing tensions between Iran and the United States. Both Russia and Saudi Arabia have historically been at odds with Iran, and the meeting could be seen as a message to Tehran that the two countries are united in their opposition to Iranian influence in the region.

Overall, Putin’s visit to Saudi Arabia is a sign of the growing importance of the kingdom in the international arena and the increasing competition for influence in the Middle East. It also underscores the complex and shifting dynamics in the region, as countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia seek to navigate a rapidly changing geopolitical landscape.

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6 months ago

Наконецто ИZгоя пригласили в другую страну😂😂

6 months ago

Mr.Putin 👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️

6 months ago

Иван весь в счастье, хоть кто-то руку протянул !!!

6 months ago

التقاء السفاحين

6 months ago

Ме р зость

6 months ago

6 months ago

مع الأسف تلتقي بهاذا الخنزير واني ماالتقي بيك

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

как арабы "дружелюбно" смотрят на лисьемордную крысу.

6 months ago

❤❤❤vamos por el BRIC 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏🙏🙏🫠🫠🫠🫡🤴🫡🤴🫡🤴🫶🫶🫶🫴⚘️🫴⚘️🫴⚘️👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

6 months ago

Какие Вы красивые , надежные на века! 👍👍👍🙏🙏🇷🇺🇸🇦

6 months ago

Nenhum líder político é amigo do outro, uma dia ele foi assim com a Ucrânia e depois invadiu, e fará assim com outros países que ele tem interesse de invadir.

6 months ago

Владимир Владимирович Путин наш президент просто красавчик!

6 months ago

С кем Путин здоровается смотрят на него со страхом ну и напугал Путин весь мир с войной на Украине.
Ну и ну ребята арабы не бойтесь он Вас не тронет сто процентов он мусульман любит и уважает их веру!!!

6 months ago

Самые лучшие лидеры, а Трамп клоун

6 months ago

Утин лучший сказочник

6 months ago

I love you MR Putin, 🇮🇩❤️🇷🇺✊✊✊✊✊✊✊

6 months ago


6 months ago
