PyQt for Maya and Unreal 08 – Dealing with Subwidgets Part 2

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In this tutorial, we will continue our exploration of working with subwidgets in PyQt for Maya and Unreal Engine 08. In part 1, we covered the basics of creating subwidgets and adding them to our main UI. In this part, we will focus on interacting with these subwidgets and using them to enhance our user interface.

Step 1: Connecting Signals and Slots

One of the most powerful features of PyQt is its ability to connect signals and slots between different widgets. This allows us to trigger actions based on user interactions with our UI elements. Let’s create a simple example to demonstrate this.

First, create a new subwidget called SubWidget2 using the same process as before. In this subwidget, add a QPushButton with the text "Click Me" and a QLabel to display the number of times the button has been clicked.

Next, in the main UI widget, create a slot called count_clicks that will update the QLabel in SubWidget2 every time the button is clicked. Here is the code for the slot function:

def count_clicks(self):
    current_count = int(self.subwidget2_label.text())
    new_count = current_count + 1

Now, we need to connect the click signal of the QPushButton in SubWidget2 to our count_clicks slot in the main UI widget. Add the following line of code to the init function of the main UI widget:


This line of code connects the click signal of the QPushButton in SubWidget2 to the count_clicks slot in the main UI widget. Now, every time the button is clicked, the count_clicks function will be called, updating the label in SubWidget2.

Step 2: Adding Functionality to Subwidgets

Now that we have learned how to connect signals and slots between widgets, let’s add some additional functionality to our subwidgets. In this example, we will create a subwidget that allows the user to input text and display it in another subwidget.

Create a new subwidget called TextInputWidget and add a QLineEdit widget for text input and a QPushButton to submit the text. Create another subwidget called DisplayWidget with a QLabel to display the input text.

In the main UI widget, create a slot function called update_display that will update the text in DisplayWidget with the text entered in TextInputWidget. Here is the code for the slot function:

def update_display(self):
    text = self.text_input_widget.textInput.text()

Next, connect the clicked signal of the QPushButton in TextInputWidget to the update_display slot in the main UI widget using the following line of code:


Now, when the user enters text in the QLineEdit widget and clicks the submit button, the text will be displayed in the QLabel in DisplayWidget.

Step 3: Organizing Subwidgets with Layouts

As our UI becomes more complex with multiple subwidgets, it is important to organize them properly using layout managers. Layout managers help ensure that our UI elements are arranged neatly and adapt to different screen sizes.

In PyQt, there are several types of layout managers available, such as QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, and QGridLayout. Let’s use a QVBoxLayout to organize our subwidgets vertically in the main UI widget.

In the init function of the main UI widget, create a QVBoxLayout and add our subwidgets to it using the following code:

layout = QVBoxLayout()

This code creates a vertical layout and adds our subwidgets to it in the desired order. When the main UI widget is displayed, the subwidgets will be arranged vertically according to the layout.


In this tutorial, we have explored how to work with subwidgets in PyQt for Maya and Unreal Engine 08. By connecting signals and slots between widgets, adding functionality to subwidgets, and organizing them with layout managers, we can create powerful and dynamic user interfaces for our applications. Experiment with different widgets and layouts to create unique and intuitive user interfaces for your projects.

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