PyScript and Data Science: A Love Story with Fabio Pliger at PyData Global 2022

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Fabio Pliger – PyScript and Data Science: a love story | PyData Global 2022

Fabio Pliger – PyScript and Data Science: a love story | PyData Global 2022

Fabio Pliger has been making waves in the world of data science with his innovative use of PyScript. At the upcoming PyData Global 2022 conference, he will be sharing his insights and experiences in a talk titled “PyScript and Data Science: a love story.”

About Fabio Pliger

Fabio Pliger is a data scientist and software engineer who has been working in the field for over a decade. He is known for his expertise in Python, R, and other programming languages, as well as his passion for exploring new technologies and methodologies in data science.

PyScript and Data Science

PyScript is a cutting-edge tool that Fabio has been using to enhance his data science projects. By combining the power of Python with the speed of JavaScript, PyScript allows for faster computing and improved performance in data analysis and visualization.

PyData Global 2022

PyData Global 2022 is one of the premier conferences for data scientists, engineers, and researchers in the Python community. At this year’s event, Fabio Pliger will be giving a talk on his experiences with PyScript and how it has transformed his approach to data science.

Join the Conversation

If you’re interested in learning more about Fabio Pliger, PyScript, and the exciting world of data science, be sure to attend his talk at PyData Global 2022. It’s sure to be a fascinating and informative event that you won’t want to miss!