PySimpleGUI – Language Localization

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PySimpleGUI – Internationalization

PySimpleGUI – Internationalization

PySimpleGUI is a simple and easy-to-use Python library for creating graphical user interfaces. It provides a platform-independent way to create windows, dialogs, and other GUI elements using a simple and intuitive syntax.

One of the key features of PySimpleGUI is its support for internationalization, which allows developers to create applications that can be easily translated into multiple languages. This feature is especially valuable for developers who want to reach a global audience with their applications.

To enable internationalization in PySimpleGUI, developers can use the built-in Text element and the sg.T function to provide translations for their application’s user interface elements. For example:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [[sg.Text(sg.T('Hello, World!'))],
[sg.Button(sg.T('OK')), sg.Button(sg.T('Cancel'))]]

window = sg.Window('My App', layout)

event, values =

In this example, the sg.T function is used to mark the strings that need to be translated. When the application is run, PySimpleGUI will search for translations of these strings in a language file and display the translated text in the user interface.

Developers can provide translations for their application’s strings by creating language files in the YAML format. These files should contain pairs of original strings and their translations in different languages. For example:

# en.yml
Hello, World!: Hello, World!
Cancel: Cancel

# es.yml
Hello, World!: ¡Hola, mundo!
OK: Aceptar
Cancel: Cancelar

By using the internationalization features of PySimpleGUI, developers can easily create applications that can be translated into multiple languages, allowing them to reach a wider audience and provide a better user experience for non-English-speaking users.

Overall, PySimpleGUI’s internationalization features make it a powerful tool for creating multilingual applications with minimal effort. By taking advantage of this feature, developers can easily expand the reach of their applications and provide a more inclusive user experience for their global audience.