Python CustomTkinter Modern GUI Development: Frames (Part 2)

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Frames – Python CustomTkinter Modern GUI Development #2

Frames – Python CustomTkinter Modern GUI Development #2

Frames are an important concept in modern graphical user interface (GUI) development with Python’s CustomTkinter library. Frames allow developers to organize the layout of their GUI and group related components together.

Creating a Frame

To create a frame in CustomTkinter, you can use the Frame class. Here’s an example of how to create a frame:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import Frame

class MyApplication(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        # Create a frame
        frame = Frame(self)

Using Frames for Layout

Frames are commonly used to create a structured layout for a GUI. You can use frames to group related components together and control their position and appearance. Here’s an example of using frames for layout:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import Frame, Label, Entry, Button

class MyApplication(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        # Create frames for layout
        frame1 = Frame(self)
        frame2 = Frame(self)
        # Add components to frames
        label = Label(frame1, text="Username:")
        entry = Entry(frame1)
        button = Button(frame2, text="Submit")

Nesting Frames

Frames can also be nested within each other to create more complex layouts. This allows for a hierarchical organization of components within a GUI. Here’s an example of nesting frames:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import Frame, Label

class MyApplication(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):
        # Create outer frame
        outer_frame = Frame(self)
        # Create inner frame within outer frame
        inner_frame = Frame(outer_frame)
        # Add components to inner frame
        label = Label(inner_frame, text="Nested Frame Example")


Frames are a fundamental concept in CustomTkinter GUI development with Python. They enable developers to create organized and visually appealing layouts for their applications. By understanding how to create and use frames, developers can build modern and user-friendly GUIs with Python.

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6 months ago

Just amazing bro. I've been struggling for a while until I found this video. I didn't understand the difference between grid and pack lol

6 months ago

👏 Awesome video on Python CustomTkinter Modern GUI Development! The explanations and visuals are 🔥👌. Great job! Looking forward to more content from you in the future! 🙌🎉

6 months ago

Superb 🎉 a very clear presentation without time wasting

6 months ago

Well done! It's a very clear video presentation❤

6 months ago


6 months ago

nice video!

6 months ago

very good video idk why there is no reactions on it