
“Python Data Science Interview Question 2 – Short and Sweet” #datascience #machinelearning #python

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Data Science Interview Question 2 – Python

When preparing for a data science interview, it’s important to be ready for technical questions about programming languages like Python. Here’s a common Python-related question you might encounter during a data science interview:


What are the key differences between Python 2 and Python 3?

When answering this question, it’s important to demonstrate your understanding of both versions of Python and how they differ. Here are some key points to cover in your response:

  1. Print Statement: In Python 2, the print statement is used without parentheses, while in Python 3, print() is used as a function with parentheses.
  2. Unicode: Python 2 uses ASCII by default, while Python 3 uses Unicode. This means that text and string handling is different between the two versions.
  3. Integer Division: In Python 2, when dividing two integers, the result is an integer. In Python 3, the result is a float by default.
  4. Range and xrange: In Python 2, there are two functions for creating ranges of numbers – range() and xrange(). In Python 3, xrange() is no longer available, and range() behaves like the old xrange() function.


Being able to discuss the differences between Python 2 and Python 3 is important for a data science interview, as it shows your proficiency in the programming language and your ability to adapt to new and evolving technologies. Be sure to study these differences and practice articulating them clearly to potential employers.

Remember, in an interview setting, it’s not just about giving the right answer, but also about how you communicate and explain your thought process. Good luck!