Python FastAPI and Uvicorn: A Powerful Duo

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Python FastAPI and Uvicorn

Python FastAPI and Uvicorn

Python FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. It is designed to be easy to use and performant, with built-in support for asynchronous programming. FastAPI is gaining popularity among developers due to its easy-to-use and intuitive syntax, as well as its high performance and scalability.

Uvicorn is a lightning-fast ASGI server, built on top of the powerful asyncio library. It is designed to provide high performance for asynchronous web frameworks, and is commonly used with FastAPI to serve web applications.

When using FastAPI with Uvicorn, developers can easily build high-performance web APIs with support for asynchronous programming, making it a great choice for building modern web applications that require real-time interactions and high scalability.

Getting Started with FastAPI and Uvicorn

To get started with FastAPI and Uvicorn, you will need to install both libraries using pip:

            pip install fastapi uvicorn

Once you have installed FastAPI and Uvicorn, you can create a new Python file to define your FastAPI application:

            from fastapi import FastAPI

            app = FastAPI()

            def read_root():
                return {"Hello": "World"}

After defining your FastAPI application, you can run it using Uvicorn with the following command:

            uvicorn app:app --reload

This command will start the Uvicorn server and serve your FastAPI application on the default port 8000. You can then access your API at http://localhost:8000 and see the “Hello World” response.


FastAPI and Uvicorn provide a powerful combination for building high-performance web APIs with Python. With support for asynchronous programming and a straightforward syntax, FastAPI is becoming the go-to choice for developers who require scalable and real-time web applications. When combined with Uvicorn, developers can achieve lightning-fast performance for their web applications, making it a great choice for modern web development.