Python: FastAPI Custom HTTP Exception Handling, Response Models, Status Codes, Form Fields, and Headers Part 14

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FastAPI Custom HTTP Exception, Response Models, Status Codes, Form Fields & Headers Part -14 #python

FastAPI Custom HTTP Exception, Response Models, Status Codes, Form Fields & Headers Part -14 #python

In this article, we will be discussing FastAPI Custom HTTP Exception, Response Models, Status Codes, Form Fields & Headers.

Custom HTTP Exception

FastAPI allows you to create custom HTTP exceptions to handle different cases in your API.

Response Models

Response models allow you to define the structure of the response that your API will return. This helps with documentation and validation.

Status Codes

You can specify the status codes that your endpoints will return in FastAPI. This helps with handling different states in your API.

Form Fields

Form fields allow you to define the expected input for your endpoints in FastAPI. This helps with validation and error handling.


You can specify the headers that your endpoints will accept or return in FastAPI. This helps with security and authentication.

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