Python Full Course for Beginners with AI: Understanding Integer and Float Data Types in Python

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Python Full Course for Beginners – How to Use Integer & Float Data Type in Python

Python Full Course for Beginners – How to Use Integer & Float Data Type in Python

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used in various fields, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) development. It is known for its simplicity and readability, making it an ideal choice for beginners to learn programming.

One of the fundamental concepts in Python is data types. In this article, we will focus on the integer and float data types and how to use them in Python.

Integer Data Type

An integer is a whole number that does not have any decimal or fractional part. In Python, you can declare an integer variable simply by assigning a whole number to it, like this:

x = 5

In the above example, “x” is a variable of type integer, and it is assigned the value 5. You can perform various arithmetic operations on integers, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Float Data Type

A float is a number that contains a decimal or fractional part. In Python, you can declare a float variable by assigning a number with a decimal point to it, like this:

y = 3.14

In this example, “y” is a variable of type float, and it is assigned the value 3.14. Floats are commonly used to represent real numbers and are essential for performing calculations involving scientific or engineering data.

Using Integer and Float Together

In Python, you can perform operations that involve both integers and floats. When you perform an operation between an integer and a float, the result will be a float. For example:

result = x + y

In this case, “result” will be a float variable containing the value 8.14, as the addition operation between an integer and a float results in a float.


Understanding the integer and float data types and how to use them in Python is essential for beginners who are learning to program. This knowledge lays the foundation for more advanced programming concepts and allows you to work with a wide range of numerical data in Python.

As you continue your journey in learning Python for AI development, be sure to practice using integer and float data types in your programs to become proficient in handling numerical data effectively. With dedication and practice, you can master Python and excel in AI development.